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Broken Heart

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My question is how long does it take to recover from a broken-heart? I split up with my partner 6 months ago and the pain is more intense now that it's ever been. I actually feel as if my heart is breaking whilst before i was sad but never felt this much pain


I know everything is relative and age/timing has a lot to do with it but when one is in their mid 30's and think they're going to marry someone and the r'ship just ended because of ONE argument/misunderstanding followed by stubborness on both sides (where there was no contact but i foolishly kept on apologising (even tho i feel as if i was only half to blame). I feel as if i never got closure. This pain is so intense i need help

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If one argument ended the relationship , wow. Do you think they were ready to even be in a committed relationship if one argument could end it. I think it may have been an exuse for him to bail. Ultimately, if he wanted to work it through he would be there working it through. That's what a mature relationship is, two people doing the work of working through the process of the relationship. He wasn't ready for that.

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Well, time isn't all that it takes. You have to take steps to feel better.


How long did you go out? I have been told that about half the time you've been together is how long it'd take before you are truly over them. It matters how things ended though.


we went out for a bit (matter of weeks) in 2006 but i wasnt ready for a r'ship then in April 2007 we started to go out and broke up in August but it was a very intense 4 months. We're asian (paks) and in our mid 30's and things happen quite quickly with us in terms of commitment and making plans to get hitched but then we just had one argument and it blew up. I was a sad 6 months ago but now i'm distraught. Feel like i'm right at the start again

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My question is how long does it take to recover from a broken-heart? I split up with my partner 6 months ago and the pain is more intense now that it's ever been. I actually feel as if my heart is breaking whilst before i was sad but never felt this much pain


I know everything is relative and age/timing has a lot to do with it but when one is in their mid 30's and think they're going to marry someone and the r'ship just ended because of ONE argument/misunderstanding followed by stubborness on both sides (where there was no contact but i foolishly kept on apologising (even tho i feel as if i was only half to blame). I feel as if i never got closure. This pain is so intense i need help


Sounds like me and my ex. Things seemed to be going the best they ever had. And then one night we had a little argument, and he walked out. That night/weekend we had a lot planned too I don't understand it all. So I feel your pain...it's just like, "huh what? what just happened here?!" lol.


But to answer your wuestion, well, there's no real answer. It just depends on the indivudul, and what you do to move on, etc. Time is a healer. But there's no say in how long it will take I'm afraid.


Hang in there, mate. You'll be okay, and we're all here for you, to help you heal!

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