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I have this friend iv'e known for about 3 yrs but we have been close friends for about a yr, We always talk and she is the type of person who i can have a serious and great relationship with I really wuld want to go with her but I'm just trying to be friends, I don't know how she feels but people think she does. I don't know why but everytime we talk i get very happy and it tends to make my day feel 10 times better ( I'm used to being depressed all day, every day) but sometimes I just get depressed because i feel I will never be able to start a relationship with her. and she is one of a kind and I seem to be the only person who wants to start a real relationhip with her and not just try to have sex wit her. I want to tell her how I want to go with her but how i feel like i can't go with her becuase i feel as if she doesn't like me. what should i do, can people end up liking eachother after being friends for a long time? pleez help and write back.

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Maybe it's just my personal experience, but it's better to just remain friends. A break up seems to ruin most relationships. If you really want to go after the girl, then do it. I've said it quite a few times in this forum, but I'll say it again. If you want something, go after it. You'll only regret it if you don't do anything. I would just keep myself a friend though, but that's just me.

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I am in a very similar predicament. I feel as if I know exactly how you. Your high days, your lows days. Do you feel as if just being around her makes you feel better?


My answer to you is this. You have 2 obvious choices. Tell her how you feel, or don't. There is no way around those two. Any plan that you may think of, no matter how intricate, ends with these two choices.


Red Pill, Blue Pill?


While I didn't say that if you never tell her, she won't fall in love with you. Unfortunately, you may feel as if you need to make a decision now. Final Advice: Don't trust fate.


My Opinion,


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Wow, I know how you feel too. I know this great girl, but I don't know how to tell her how I feel about her without hurting our friendship. But like zeldaster said, eventually your either going to tell her how you feel, or keep it to yourself. Eventually, you should tell her somehow, because if you dont, it will usually end up in regret.

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seems like a simple situation, but a hard decsion to make..tell her....or not...justify your outcomes and think what if i tell her..and what if i don't tell her..see what you come up with...either way like they have all said..if you don't tell her soon or lata' it will be too late...make a decsion now..becuz it won't be there for ever...


The time has come to make a choice...but the choice hardly gave you any time...sometimes we jus' have to deal with the emotions we are bidein' instead of them subsiding...
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