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Tell me about your experinces with a drug user.

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A lot of people have a story to tell, although all stories are different they all come down to... what drugs do to people and the people around them. I would like to hear your story or stories about a drug user. wether it be, an uncle, or a GF, or even Mom... drugs are out there.


also if you could let me know how its going right now.

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Well Ive known a few random people who did serious drugs, but nobody ever very close to me. BUT alot of the people who are close to me smoke pot, and they function as productive, reliable adults, so I guess a positive experience.


My negative experiences with drugs have been pretty much limited to alcohol, now, I have seen people beaten, wrecked, sick, and just hurtful when under the influence of alcohol.


SO maybe I'll start a lil debate, because I honestly think that pot is a safer drug than alchohol. In fact if I had children I would be more accepting of them coming home stoned than drunk.


Thats my $0.02



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Hey, Cyankino.


I feel that your question is in need of answers and so I decided to share my experiences with drugs!


All I can say is, drugs.

I tested drugs with my sibbling a couple of times some two years ago. It might have been for a six month period or so, however.. He got stuck and I did not. He has drawn away from me and now he is in it over his ears. He has begun to take heavier dosages and heavier drugs as well.. He even got his girlfriend to start it. I have two classmated who do drugs on a regular basis. Even in school. One is about to get kicked from school and the other has changed class (thankfully).. The guy who once was my closest friend and whom I've known for over 17 years has now begun experimenting with drugs and his girlfriend too.. I have asked him not to, but he thinks "it's pretty cool". ... Eventhough the addict thinks it's nothing but good, it really is nothing but bad to his or her surroundings.

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If you really want to know about drugs, then I suggest watching real life documentaries on channels like the Discovery Channel.


I've been at a shelter who I encountered, was a mother hooked on cocaine. She would smoke pot, sleep all day, hallucinate, and even talk to herself.


I mean, the potential damages are so bizarre. Check out the documentaries though, it really gives you a feeling of how bad a druggy's lifestyle could be.


No offense to people who engage in drug use, but I think that altering your mind with substances is like wasting a life full of potentials.


I dated a guy who started using extacy. He was clean in the beginning, but when he started using drugs, his behavior started to change drastically. He became more aggressive, and slow in the head. He became really slow. You could tell especially when talking to him. His thought process changed.


Another thing that you could do is to drive downtown somewhere (preferably, not at night!). Look at all of the bums and prostitutes. I'm not referring to every homeless person as a druggy.


But I mean, look at the homeless people who are always high, strolling around with their carts, asking for money to support their habits. They're hooked for life! It's sad.


So, if you really want to know what drugs are all about, check out the real life scenario. Then, you'll really appreciate what you have now, and then think twice about your decisions.

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P.S. about my ex, I told his family about the incident. They monitered him like crazy.


Eventually, I influenced him to stop using it. He started reading books on philosophy and finding interest in other activities besides drugs. Now he's clean, but he's still really slow. His thought process is really bad. I suppose that the withdrawel effects made him even more depressed.

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Everyone I know the used drugs are dead now... Eather wrecking there car and burning to death becouse the were high on weed, or shot by there dealers or shot by someone shooting at there dealer. Any way I look at it you die... though I don't personaly know someone that has died from the drugs themself... to O.D. on weed you would have to smoke something like 1500lbs. in 15 min., so I don't think its posible for that one. Just thought that would be a nice fact to add.

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I also have been smoking pot regularly for the past year or two and it has made little negative effect on me if any. I am now a more outgoing and confident person. My grades have always been A's and B's and they remain the same. I don't force people to use drugs because it is everyone personal decision but I feel that weed is not as bad for you as alcohol can be. It is less addictive and it leaves ur motor control relatively untouched, but it is still VERY UNSMART to drive under the influence because of your reduced reaction time and visual acuteness. If you are smart about it, smoking pot can be a great way to relax and have fun with your friends. My personaly opinion is that i should become legalized and but put restrictions on much like alcohol has so not everyone is driving around high all the time. Now as for harder drugs I can't really say. I know some people who used to smoke pot and then progressed to cocaine and have now become pretty much deadbeats, but let me stress that marijuana is NOT A GATEWAY DRUG and just because you smoke it doesn't mean you are going to do other drugs, it's a personal choice.


In reply to Nifty_Swifty1, it takes that much weed in that amount of time only because you would die of asfictiation (sp?) or lack of oxygen, so marijuana is impossible to OD from.

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Here is my experience with pot. I use it regularly. So do most of my close friends. I know few people who don't use it. I've never met anyone or known anyone to die as a result. Everyone I know is responsible enough to know when not to drive. So like alchohol it can be used responsibly. And above anything, it still allows you to focus and be productive. And it certainly helps with a certain degree of focus and creativity. Also it can lead to other drugs but I have not seen this happen to anyone I am close to. The drugs I have tried are pot, shrooms, salvia. None of these drugs are addictive outside of the psychological sense, and none of them, if used responsibly are a danger to others.


Harder drugs can affect others (When a crack head robs a store for money for crack) and will usually destroy a life.

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Ok...Argh, I hate when people lump drugs all into one category.


Cocaine, acid, ecstasy, DMT, and all those hard drugs are NOTHING at all, when compared to Marijuana.


Next, I've been using Cannabis for almost two years now, and my grades in school have actually drastically ...so do not say that it makes you less smart.


So *beep* that *beep*....if you've had a bad experience, or you're scared to try it because of stories you've heard, you have no right to preach. Let people make their own decisions...sometimes its for the best.


Really? Cocaine, acid, ecxtacy, DMT are nothing compared to marijuana? Okay, well, that's a first timer!


Wow, I did not know that. Thanks for the insight.


Okay, first of all, I did not post her to personally attack you Reyvinn! So don't start approaching my comments as a personal attack. Further, don't even start telling me what I can say or what I cannot!


It's a free country. I see that you are strong supporter for cannibus! Did I mention anything against cannibus in my comments? No!


Whatever you decide to do is great for you! Heads up. I don't care if you choose to smoke weed. I'm only giving insight of what I see based on experiences.


Oh, and I don't appreciate it when you tell quote said that I was 'scared' to try it!


I've been approached many times about it thank you! I choose not to do it b/c I've seen more real life incidents that prove why drugs are not my way of life.


I've witnessed a lot of crap in life like my childhood friends getting shot, being held at gun point at my own home (the robberer was using cocaine by the way), people selling drugs in mailboxes, ice cream truck drivers selling drugs to neighborhood teens.


I grew up in a neighborhood, in which I witnessed horendous acts! These are just some of the experiences I've seen. I saw what drugs can potentially do to others. thereforeeee, I choose not to!


I'm not 'scared' to do drugs. I just have different values.


Some people think that marijuana is like smoking. Good for them. Some of my friends do it. But does that mean that I respect them less? No!


They're still my friends. So, don't start attacking me for my insight! I'll respect your opinion, so long as you respect mine! Thanks for your comments!

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Thank you all for your responces.


Weed seems to be a big topic here. Although weed has never affected my life in any way, I can say that Meth has. My now ex is a meth addict and she started using meth only because weed didn't do it for her anymore.


Once again thank you for your responses and good luck.

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