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How to break up with her?


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Ok here it goes. I've been with my girlfriend for a month now and to be honest, I don't want to lead her on anymore. I just dont feel for her anymore. I've waited to see if it got better, but it just isn't, its getting worse. How can I tell her thats it's over? Should I wait for Valentines Day to be over with, or break her heart before Valentines Day ? I feel like a jerk, she's told me that she loves me once, and tell me about awkward..but I just don't like her anymore, and its been only a month! How can I tell her? Thank you!

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I'm the the same position.

She's a great girl, but I just don't feel it, I wish I could but I just can't.


I feel really bad doing it before Valentines, but equally can't go there and say "you're my valentine".


I just hate the thought of hurting somebody else, and them being unhappy and feeling rejected because of me, I have been rejected so many times I know how it feels, and hate to think I cause someone else to feel that way.

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Well fellas, you are not alone. I just broke up with my girlfriend of 8 months and I feel horrible about it. Can't sleep, can't get her off my mind. It sucks. I feel just like AFC, I hate hurting someone else, especially when I do care for her a great deal. The things is, I know I will be better off in the long run (well, that is what I think right now).


It is never easy.

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My boyfriend of a couple months broke up with me before Valentine's day last year. As much as it hurt me because I liked him a lot and he didn't feel it...it was the right thing for him to do. I don't think waiting until V day is over is the best idea. Yes, she will feel hurt, but in the long run, as someone who's been there before, my guess is she will realize that you did the right thing and be glad you didn't try to force yourself to have a Valentine's Day with her when your heart's just not in it. One day she will look back on this and say "I'm glad he broke up with me when he knew he didn't want to be with me, instead of waiting...because I don't regret not spending more time with someone who just didn't want to be with me." When she finds the right guy for her, that will really hit home. Good luck with everything! Breaking up is hard even after only a short period of time...but it's part of life...part of the path to finding the right person for you.

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As much as it hurt me because I liked him a lot and he didn't feel it...


Thats my situtation exactly, I don't have a good reason for it, like "you're a real b*tch", I just don't "feel it", and I know instinctively she is not my life partner.


I'm glad he broke up with me when he knew he didn't want to be with me, instead of waiting...because I don't regret not spending more time with someone who just didn't want to be with me." When she finds the right guy for her, that will really hit home.


This is hopefully how she will feel about it too, I spoke of splitting before for other reasons, and she indicated she'll work with anything, but if I dont think I can love her like she needs to be loved I must rather move on, which is why I feel I am doing the right thing rather than wasting time [which is out most precious resource, especially as we get older] that both of us could be spending finding our life partner.


Only thing is she is pretty certain that I am her soul-mate, she said this straight out in the past.


i'm really scared, her 6 older brothers scare me and shes probably gonna spread rumors about me


lol, well, thats a problem, that a big stick with you when you do it! I at least don't have this worry, I don't see mine as the vengeful type!


I wanted to do it tonight, but its not gonna work, so Friday evening. Don't want this to carry on dragging, I feel like I am carrying a huge wieght on me worring about this every day.

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