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Am I facing competition or is she just being nice to him?


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You know, you may be right.


I maybe didn't even realize it. I may have been psychologically trying to convince myself that I'm truly better than him.


I feel partly that everything is going to go well, but at the same time, it feels confusing and different because I never actually had a girl that may actually like me.


Though I want to take this bull by the horns and do it right. I just got to pull my energy together and throw away my fears, and just go with what's right.

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It's not a matter of who's better. It's a matter of who she is attracted to. Don't forget that "neither of you" remains a possibility...


When a girl is attracted to you, trust me you'll know.


You know you are so right. I can't explain 100% why, but I feel luckily in this one. Maybe I will end up right, but maybe I will not. I just have to play the game and see how it turns out. Then again, I guess you probably can't go by feelings really, you have to go by concrete evidence, not by what you see.

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Yea, I just hope this time, it's not a rejection, because I'm tired of so many rejections in a row. LoL.


I had rejection after rejection in High School.


I think it's time that the ball switches to the other foot now. It seems like perhaps this time, it actually will. HeHe HaHa.

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I wouldn't put a lot of emphasis on the issue of her being mesmerized while looking at you from afar.That could be you misinterpreting the situation.If your friend is intent on trying to woo this girl, there isn't a lot you can do to try and stop him ,you just tell him ,well I am also interested in this girl.It sounds like your friend is going to take the aggressive approach and come on like gangbusters.Why not try a different approach and play it cooler.You should certainly make your intentions known and ask her out but no amount of cajoling or pleading with her will make her change her mind over which of the two of you she prefers.She likely already knows right now who she would rather go out with .

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It happened again.


I was all prepared to get her info and ask her to something, so I'm in class, and she's comes in a little before the professor starts, so I figured at least get in a hi and how are you in there, and boom, what does she do next?


She and this other guy start talking about her boyfriend and I'm like, you have to be kidding me. LoL


That's the 5th time in a row, that I tried to go for a girl, and I end up over hearing them talking to someone else about their boyfriend.


I think I should go for the girls I'm not attracted to, because the ones I like, always end up having a bf. LoL.


But oh well, at least I tried.


EDIT: HaHa, I always wonder why I never had practice talking to girls, this is why. Either she ends up not liking me (even in a friend sense or person sense) or mostly I end up finding out that have a boyfriend even before I get to talk to them.


I swear, if they ever needed to do a survey to point out all the taken girls, I could be their locater, because I don't have any radar for single girls, but I do for taken girls, LoL.


Maybe I just have bad luck, who knows, LoL. ;P. Anyway, I'm going back to ignoring girls for a while, because I'm tired of finding only ones with bfs LoL. Maybe by ignoring them, the ones that are single will come to me, HaHa. Who knows, life is funny.

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You know sometimes I wonder if life is because of this:


The singles are not really into relationships so they don't flirt with people they figure are good for relationships since they maybe like to be single, while the ones in relationships are good for relationships, so they feel, flirt with those who they figure are good for relationships.


This would seem to make sense, with the luck I always have, LoL.

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Throw all of these non-sense theories down the crapper.


Think about how you can improve.


You're still young and still have plenty of time to fine tune your offer.


Yes, I guess you are right. I think I just get tired of running in to girls with bfs, one after another. I don't even get a chance to ask the girl out even, I just find out she has a bf, because she will talk about him to someone else.


How can someone run in to girls that talk about their bf before you even get a chance to talk/ask them out, 5 times in a row? HaHa. Just horrible luck?

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Sounds to me like you're asking girls out just because you think they look pretty. You need to get to know them a little bit before you make a move.


When the time is right, you'll know.


Well if I do, I try not to. I try not to go for looks. For example this last girl, I went for her, because I seriously liked how she treated me with respect and didn't act like she was better than me, and I even overheard her talking with others about her boyfriend.


It's like I said, I don't ask the girls and they tell me that they have a boyfriend, I just end up accidentally finding out that they do, LoL.


This seriously happened to me: I had a class with 4 girls, overheard the first two talking about their boyfriends, figured, ok, forget them, then heard the next one talk about her boyfriend, then was like, ok, whatever, then found out that last one had a bf, I was like, HaHa LoL HeHe LoL HaHa HeHe.

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Just be nice with all of them regardless of their relationship status. At your age, people fall in and out of love quite frequently. And yes, most pretty girls have boyfriends. When they become single, they don't remain on the market for very long.


Then why do some claim that pretty girls are hardly ever asked out/hit on, if appearntly they are? HaHa.


They must all be hit on a hell of a lot, if they are all taken.


From my experience, many seem to stay together for 1-5 years. So I guess that's also why so many are never single. LoL HaHa.


It makes you curious as to how the hell, guys ever figure out which are single to ask them out in the first place, since most are always taken.


Also, it's funny, how so many girls I know are taken, yet so many guys I know are single. Maybe we got some macks with at least 5 girls a piece. You never know now of days.

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Pretty girls get hit on all the time. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise.


I know that some people will disagree with my behaviour but I personally flirt with any girl who is willing to flirt with me, regardless of their relationship status. I may not end up sleeping with all of them but flirting is fun and you never know where it might lead.


You have to master the art of flirting before you can successfully ask a girl out.

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Well, there in lays a slight problem, every time it seems a girl is flirting with me, she's taken, LoL. But I guess eventually things will change.


Flirting doesn't mean you have to marry her, does it? So if a girl flirts with you and you enjoy it, just play along.


I learned most of my skills flirting with girls I didn't even want to date. It's good practice.

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Flirting doesn't mean you have to marry her, does it? So if a girl flirts with you and you enjoy it, just play along.


I learned most of my skills flirting with girls I didn't even want to date. It's good practice.


Yeah, I forgot about that and that makes sense. I guess that sometimes, never really having a real girl, one that you actually liked, ever being single or liking you, just sometimes gets to you.

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