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Too soon? too young?

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I'm almost 17 (my boyfriend is a couple months older) We have been dating about 16 months. Everything is going wonderful I do truly love him and I think I might be "in love" with him. (I believe that you can only truly be "in love" once in you live and more people are never "in love") I can't imagine myself with anyone else or being any happier. We can talk about anything and never get mad at each other. I r personalities blend so well, he is one of my best friends and I love him for him and not because of anything else. He is perfect. We enjoy thing same things and want mostly the same things and more importantly are willing to compromise and find something that we are both happy with. I can see myself spending the rest of my life with him and I know he feels the same way. Just last night we talked about how we couldn't imagine our lives without the other one. Always saying that we are going to spend the rest of out lives together and talking about what we will name out kids.

Is the ridiculous??? Could we be "in love"??? Could we have found our soul mates in each other???

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Not ridiculous some things are meant to be some things are not. Dont hold with the theory of "the one". Sure for some people it is possible but for the majority of people you fall in love more than once.


If its great, go for it and ignore my cynical thoughts!!!

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You may not or may have found the one, but to truly know, you must be patient.


You are very young, 17 is a pretty early age so meet "the one." What you are going through. sounds like 'puppy love' to me.


I went through that phase, but snapped out of it once I moved onto college. I truly thought that the person I wanted to spend my life with was my soulmate! We were inseperable for 4 yrs!


You never know what kind of turns life will throw at you, but you only live once right? You will never know what love is unless you give it a chance.


What you are doing is the right and natural thing. However, I must caution you: don't expect things to be perfect, b/c the two of you have lots of trials ahead of you.


For instance:

1. Finishing College

2. Meeting new people in college.

3. Tapping into a stable career.

4. Meeting new friends or colleagues.

5. Moving beyond that stage, advancing into higher studies.


In other words, the both of you have several of obstacles ahead of you. Some couples either grow together or grow apart, as they mature. In some cases, 'teenage lovers' do pass the test of time and decide to spend the rest of their lives continuing that bond.


Just proceed with a little caution, trust each other, and support one another. I wish you the best of luck!

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I Have to agree with the post above me.. Some things are meant to be, and its good that you two are happy. Believe me though somethings may seem like they are meant to be and then they change. This is coming from experience and im not saying that you two arent going to spend the rest of your lives together its just somethings just dont end the way you want it too. Like I said this is coming from experience, My bf and I have talked about all those things and were "So much in love", we were going to get married, have kids, etc.. and now our relationship is kinda falling apart. SO dont hold yourself up just to be let down when your relationship doesnt work out. Its very possible that you could spend the rest of your lives together but like Tonk said .. for the majority of people, things dont always end up the way they hope.

Hope everything works out for you though.




~ Angel ~

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