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Smoking and Kissing

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Hand her lots and lots of mints!! Ex-Smoker of a month here... I don't know how my b/f dealt with it... I can really see now why it is such a nasty habit. If she really knew what she tasted like she'd quit... but for your own enjoyment, carry around lots of gum, mints, altoids, ANYTHING! I am so embarrassed now after-the-fact about my breath as a smoker and would have loved if he had mints if I didn't.

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I thought I would never date a smoker either.. but here I am dating one. Yea... the smell is really yucky, and I have a really sensitive nose. I can smell the smoke off her clothing and skin - even in her room. Sometimes when I try to sleep, all I can smell is smoke. I want to tell her she smells bad, but I know she won't take it too lightly since I have already tried to tell her once with awful consiquences.


But it is good to know that my health is not at risk when I am kissing her

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