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I hate that most of my replies have been deleted... I look back now and it seems all I have to say is "look at the bright side". I use to get a laugh out of my replies. Now I'm depressed with out them. So as a dedication to my great, but smart @ss replies, I write a poem.


That and I'm bored.




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Where did thee go?

How my brilliance were typed out like a menstrual flow.


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How logic and wit went together so well.

People would look at my replies and think, "he must be related to Alexander graham bell".


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Why am I lonely without you?

I hope every one that got deleted went under judicial review.


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I hit my 100th post yet again... Sad.

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I dont believe posts get deleted for being optimistic.


I do know that older posts eventually drop off the history.


your poem is kinda funny, you do have a dark sense of humor, quirky, but hey thats me.


problem with humor in responses is, that most people are hurting bad, and although one would think humor would help them feel better, the people who post may take it in the wrong way, and think your not taking their pain serious, and maybe even making fun.


I have to refrain so so much sometimes, I love making jokes, and if i was on the phone with these people, I could do it in a way that they know Im just joking to lighten the mood, but when written down, the timing is off.


My humor has to be braked often. you could never guess the times I actually edited stuff out of my posts.

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