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4mymom- howcan u get rid of yeast n bacterial infections

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There are a lot of different ways to treat yeast infections. first, see a gyno, they can give you the best med for it. If you cannot see one or do not have one yet, there are over-the-counter cream you can buy at the drugstore or market, stuff like vagisil. I have even asked female clerk that work there which ones are best...they don't mind. I know that gynos and free clinics have more info on this subject....

I know to avoid an infection, you need to clean yourself thoroughly and completely whenever you bath. Dont put soap UP there, that hurts...but a thorough cleaning on the surface is good. Also, make sure your partner is clean himself. There is practically no use in cleaning yourself if your partner is not. This is another resons condoms can be useful, to avoid yeast infections and other bacterial infections. However, I have learned that condoms are not as useful as they tell us in preventing any viral infections such as warts, hepatitis C, herpes and stuff like that. Oh ya, and not to mention AIDS (it's viral too...) Condoms are only 40% effective against viral infections. The back of the box says "MAY HELP PREVENT..." I dont understand why they don't tell you this when teaching about sex and the importance of protection. Maybe if kids knew they would get viral infections, they would hold off even longer...

well, thats off the subject a bit, I hope this helped...

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You develop a resistance to the medications used to treat yeast infections. Both over the counter and not. So this may be why she is having recurring ones.



Your mum should be ensuring she is eating healthy - a diet high in sugars and refined/processed and "yeasty" foods can increase risk of yeast infections, drinking lots of water, urinating before and after sex, wiping front to back, changing her clothing after working out, wearing cotton underwear, not wearing thongs/gstrings or too tight clothing, NOT using antibacterial soaps - you WANT bacteria, it's when the bacteria are weak that the yeast can take over. For the same reason, do NOT douche, it actually leaves you more vulnerable to yeast infections. The vagina has a "natural environment" that has bacteria and yeast, the bacteria are healthy in that they actually attack intruding bacteria and keep the yeast in balance.


She should also make sure if she has a sexual partner that they are not transferring it back and forth to one another. While she is treating an infection, he should get treated as well, and both should abstain until they are given the all clear.


She may also want to get tested for other diseases where a recurrent yeast infection is a symptom of it.

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If you are looking at alternative ways of ridding yourself of yeast and bacterial infections, there are TONS of websites out there. Just google "natural rememedies yeast/bacterial infections" and go nuts.


My philosophy when it comes to naturopathic treatments is that they are a great preventative or long term treatment, but to get rid of the problem, take pharmaceuticals to begin with.


Yeast infection for example. They have a tendency to come back, especially if sexually active and the partner is not treated. See a gyno, they will prescribe medication for you and your partner. If you historically have recurring yeast infections, you have options like cranberry juice, acidophillis, garlic, etc etc (do a google search!)


Bacterial infections, such as bacterial vaginosis, do yourself a favour and go to a gyno. They'll do a swab, tell you what it is, and prescribe an antimicrobial. There are anecdotal homeopathic remedies for vaginal bacterial infections. In my experience, they don't work, or they only mask the symptoms.


As for hygiene, my understanding is that hygiene won't prevent yeast infections but can prevent bacterial infections. To keep clean, just clean the vulva area, and not into the vagina. Docs recommend a mild soap or no soap at all just water. Don't use harsh soaps as they can mess with the natural flora of the vagina and actually cause infections. Douching is completely unnecessary to maintain hygiene. Douching can actually cause problems since your vagina has all these wonderful microorganisms that work in harmony with eachother and pumping chemicals up into it can disrupt them.


And why do you "need to know by tomorrow"? Nothing is going to get rid of an infection that quick.



I guess the moral of the story is go see a doctor!

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