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How to talk to my boyfriends friends.


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Tomorrow night for new years i am going to a house party of my boyfriends friends. Ive met his close friends on several occasions, but i find it really hard to strike up a conversation with them and keep them interested. The last time i went over his friends girlfriends were all there too (they are all good friends) and i felt a bit left out when they were talking about things i didnt know anything about.


Any advice on how to talk to these people. I dont want to sit there all evening not enjoying myself!


P.s i am really shy so nothing too outgoing.

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im in the sme situation. my bf has a large group of friends (mostly his frat brothers) and all his friends and their girls/wifes are friends. its difficult getting thrown into that. im so used to a smaller close group of friends. just start at the basics. ask people where they work or where they go to school. ask how they met their SO. usually they will ask the same in return or the conversation will lead to another topic. good luck!

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Tomorrow night for new years i am going to a house party of my boyfriends friends. Ive met his close friends on several occasions, but i find it really hard to strike up a conversation with them and keep them interested. The last time i went over his friends girlfriends were all there too (they are all good friends) and i felt a bit left out when they were talking about things i didnt know anything about.


Any advice on how to talk to these people. I dont want to sit there all evening not enjoying myself!


P.s i am really shy so nothing too outgoing.


Give it time let them come talk to you it will be easier. Smile say hello and be polite so you don't appear to not like them.

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