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Birth Control is not Natural


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They are lazy. You can plant wheat, by just throwing it on the ground.


And they wont even do that.


sweetheart...it's because they either don't have wheat to throw, because there is no fertile land to throw it onto, there is no water to help it grow...I could go on.

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varecia...WARNING: debating with Freckles has been known to cause random bashing of posters own heads against the nearest wall for reasons unknown but presumably due to severe frustration.


Warning duly noted


However, might provide a nice diversion from an essay I'm currently writing...on HIV incidentally!

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In the middle ages if they did not want babies the man and woman had anal sex.


I think that is a bad idea


But, if you have to have birth control


Which I dont agree with.


it could be considered


Two things.


One: you can get pregnant from anal sex.


Second: if sex exists to make babies...surely having anal sex (which reduces but does not eliminate the chance of pregnancy) would seem pointless?

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