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Birth Control is not Natural


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I don't think people know what they want


So they should have as many kids as they happen to have


STDS - are here because of unnatural sex - in Africa they had sex with monkeys and that is what caused aids


Are you serious??


Are you telling us I should go ahead and have 12 kids just because I don't know what I want? I know I don't want 12 kids - and so do very few other people because the cost would be prohibitive, and there would be few houses big enough. And what about those people who KNOW they don't want children?


And for STD being caused by unnatural sex...they are caused by *unprotected* sex and have been around for a very very long time. And where did you read that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (AIDS is the term for the changes that HIV induces in the human body by destroying certain types of immune cell and causing the immune system to become less able to fight off infections) was brought into human circulation by humans having sex with monkeys in Africa???

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More people = more working people = more resources


more people = less resources = people weaker through poverty and lack of nutrition = even less resources produced


If things were this simple, then poverty and malnutrition would be a thing unheard of in India, sub-Saharan Africa and parts of China because they have LARGE numbers of people. Those things are big big problems over there though.

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Are you serious??




And for STD being caused by unnatural sex...they are caused by *unprotected* sex and have been around for a very very long time. And where did you read that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (AIDS is the term for the changes that HIV induces in the human body by destroying certain types of immune cell and causing the immune system to become less able to fight off infections) was brought into human circulation by humans having sex with monkeys in Africa???


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They also Ate Aids infected Monkies

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I don't know where you're getting your information from but autism DID exist before the 80's, in fact in the 70's the rate was 1 in 2000 births, the only change has bee that the rate has grown but no one is sure why (it could also have to do with the fact the increased knowledge about the disease has resulted in more cases being diagnosed). For a long time people though vaccinations were related to autism, this is incorrect too, if you look at epidemiological data you'll find that these two things are completely unrelated.



ya, 1 in 2000 sure is way better than what it is now. i get my information from what i see, read and i come to my own conclusion.

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They also Ate Aids infected Monkies


HIV isn't the only sexually transmitted disease and nowhere on the article does it say anyone has sex with monkeys. you're more likely to contract AIDS from blood spatter contact with the eyes that from sex with any animal. FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) is usually passed on during fighting between cats, not sexual contact.

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ya, 1 in 2000 sure is way better than what it is now. i get my information from what i see, read and i come to my own conclusion.


yes but you're still ignoring the fact that your information is wrong considering you stated that autism didn't exist before the 80's, seriously, where are you getting your information from? And considering birth control didn't exist then, how exactly can you blame autism on the pill?

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From the article:


"Peter Piot, now director of the United Nations AIDS program, UNAIDS, remembers the first world AIDS conference in 1985. There were only three African scientists, all from French-speaking Zaire, and Piot was their translator. The theory that HIV had emerged from simians was announced at the conference, and an American reporter rushed up to the African scientists, asking, "Is it true that Africans have sex with monkeys?" Piot gleefully translated the answer: "No, but I have heard that Americans have sex with dogs."


You read that as Africans having sex with monkeys?? Someone saying "No" in response to the question "Is it true that Africans have sex with monkeys?"


If you're bored and just wanted to stir up a fuss, consider yourself successful. This reminds me of being in debating society at college and spending the evening discussing the most "I can't believe someone would actually think that" propositions.


Good to exercise one's mind though, eh? And maybe having Fox News as your main source of news/information is something you might want to broaden out a little. Just a suggestion

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Do your research GTM, autism has been around a lot longer than the 1980's. There was a boom in the late 1950's and early 1960's and came into the public limelight in the 1940's. I am not sure as to when autism was formally given a name.


At the time it was considered a social disorder and the mother's fault for "over parenting". It was considered a "first born white male" social disorder in which the mother didn't know how to raise a son. Social stigma was horrible at the time and people didn't discuss such things and the children were sent to live in an institution and forgotten about. People with such disorders were considered outcasts in society and either lived in an institution or found odd jobs in town and everyone ostricized this person. Did your grand parents ever tell you stories of someone in their town growing up that was odd and just seemed odd? Chances are this person had autism.


What is now known about autism is it is a genetic disorder in which a dormant gene is activated by something environmental. The gene is on the same strand that causes ADD/ADHD. What that environmental trigger is is not known as it seems to be different for different people.

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On the subject of HIV, you can't say it's unnatural, people at then what was available to them or what they have always eaten, eating apes is part of some cultures, who are you to say it's unnatural? If it is a virus then this is part of NATURE, again, not unnatural for it to exist. Unnatural is defined as man made, none of the things you described about HIV have been man-made in any way so I fail to see how contracting aids from unprotected sex is unnatural

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Freckles is not a troll. He's a good guy, who has been over at another forum that is closing at this end of the year. He's been there for years, and he has a somewhat "different perspective" than a lot of other folks.


Take my word for it that he means well even if he doesn't sound that way.


Well, I'm kinda glad I'm not married to him then - having to abstain from sex or giving birth to one child a year wouldn't be what I'd like in my future To each their own though.


Why post on here though Freckles? To get some different views on matters?

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It reminds me of someone setting out to try and persuade people that the sun revolves around the Earth. Maybe not quite on that scale, but most of the people on this board don't come from a background that would be condusive to the kinds of views you express, Freckles.


What are you aiming to do? Convert people to your views or just get some feedback on other points of view? Or find people who share your views?

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I am looking for just 1 person that shares my views



Anyway my views are main stream americas views


Freckles..LOL..your views are NOT mainstream America's views. They are what YOU think, and what YOU believe, and hey that's fine. But please don't include me and most of America in there...


Most of America does not think they are going to Hell, and are not looking to meet women half their age to have babies every year with and watch lots of Cable TV mostly Sci Fi channel.

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more people = less resources = people weaker through poverty and lack of nutrition = even less resources produced


If things were this simple, then poverty and malnutrition would be a thing unheard of in India, sub-Saharan Africa and parts of China because they have LARGE numbers of people. Those things are big big problems over there though.



Thats because they are way to lazy to work

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No, a Troll is a person that posts with the specific purpose of getting other posters "riled up". Freckles posts as per his actual beliefs and perspectives on life. He is no troll. You however, are an assumer.


Right, because saying that starving, malnourished, AIDS ridden Africa could easily bring itself to first world status if it just wasn't lazy is a valid viewpoint


Why don't you cut back your meals to subsistence level and infect yourself with AIDS and see if you're as successful in life as you currently are if you so agree with Freckles?

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Freckles, it is difficult to grow crops in Africa because of the poor quality of soil and the hot climate.


Growing crops requires irrigation systems that are very expensive.


They require business input, but Africa has a history of cheap labour, meaning the investors are only really investing in their own business's.


Furthermore, many African leaders are corrupt and keep any money they can get for themselves.


Then we also have all the killings and murders and lawlessness not to mention disease and famine.


Now, Freckless, if you want to post, think a little, because i don't find you very amusing, you obviously think your clever, but i don't

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