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Guy seems really flakey should I give up?


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Hi all,

This guy and I went on our first date like 3 weeks ago and since then he has been trying to schedule a weekend date with me but always has done it kind of last minute which never worked out for the both of us. Well he finally calls and makes a date with me one week in advance and the day before our date I get an e-mail from him saying he has to entertain some clients from work for the weekend and needs to cancel and will call me later to beg for my forgiveness. I don't know how to react to this. My first instinct is to tell him not to call me anymore and everything just seems really fishy how plans are always last minute then last minute canceled but I do really like this guy and on our first date we got along really well. I am wondering if he is doing this to provoke me into not wanting to date him anymore? Do guys do that rather than tell the girl they are not interested anymore. Please, any advice would be great.

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Hmm, if he's still trying to get with you, doesn't sound like he's as much not interested as disorganized - most guys who aren't interested plain don't call, much less try to make plans. Maybe see if he can make plans for a weeknight, for a short dinner or something where things are less likely to interfere?

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A guy like this is going to drive you up the wall. You'd be justified to tell him you can't live by the seat of your pants, and you'd also be justified in telling him to never call again, chalking all this up to "getting to know him." Part of getting to know someone comes from how they honor commitments and respect your time and feelings. You don't even need to go on another date to know something about that now....

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I would talk to this guy about his constant plan breaking and let him know that it really bothers you. Be up front about it and let him know where you stand with it. I mean if this guys job involves entertaining clients and such then you have to make the decision yourself about him. I am a guy and I can tell you that if he is trying to make plans with you then he is interested in you. I know that if I am interested in someone then I will make it a point to call her and make plans for a free night. Give him one more chance and let him know that it is bothering you that he cancels plans all the time.



I hope this helps you out,



PM me if you want a mans advice on this matter.

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