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What is your Opinion? I need your Help!


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Hey Everyone,


This is most certainly not my first post about this subject, but hopefully it will be my last post about it. There is this girl that I have liked for about two years now and I unfortunately haven't done anything about it. My problem is, is that I am gearing up to ask her out, to go to a hockey game with me. I don't imagine that I'll have any problem doing so, because I love her too much, it is just that there are two obstacles in my way.


My first problem surrounding this situation is that my parents have the hockey tickets (to a NHL team), but they don't want to commit to giving them to me. They keep asking me who I am going to take, and I just told them that I was going to probably take one of my friends (someone they know), when in reality I want to ask this girl. I don't want to tell them who I am, taking until I am actually going because they will make a big deal out of it, and I really don't need that right now. The hockey game is not for another month yet, but I want to confirm that the tickets are mine before I go asking her to go with me, then looking like a fool if I don't have them.


My second and biggest problem:

I was in class and overhead someone asking a guy if anything was happening between him and this girl. As soon as I heard this, I started to have little flashbacks of seeing them together, never of course thinking anything of it until now. The thing is, I want to ask her out before this guy makes his move, but I haven't secured the hockey tickets yet. And it is nearly impossible to get her by herself in the hall becasue she is always with a group of people (for the purpose of talking to her). What worries me the most is that she hasn't really gone out with anyone for as long as I have known her and this guy is quite popular, and needless to say, I am not as popular as he is. She seems to be quite happy around him and I don't wan't anyhting to develop before I do ask her out.


Please offer any suggestions that you can, I would greatly appreciate it. I have graduation coming up and want her to go to the prom with me, if I can't have her, I don't want anyone else

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