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Lonely and very shy


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Well, i'm 13...i don't attend a normal school, as in crowds is just to weird for me. I go for 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. This school is for people with anxiety of school.


I was diagnosed with Dyspraxia.


First time i went i wouldn't talk (I am VERY VERY VERY shy)


Since then, i've been talking a bit more...and a girl talks to me at break. I reply back, but nervously. I know she wants me to her friend. But also, i want her to be MY friend to...it's just hard to start a conversation...


Thanks for your help, i really want a friend. But making them is so hard...Anyone else shy? Any advice?



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Hey there! You're not alone, believe me. I am shy too. I am 21 yrs old and just moved away for college and I am in this huge school where I dont know a single person and its so different from where I was before because even if I wasnt friends with someone, the face was familiar. Anyway, It IS hard to make friends and especially if you're shy. You dont know what to say, how to start a convo, if the other person will just think your weird for talking to them. but you know what? I have found that if you dont put yourself out there, you end up losing more than if you even DO make a fool of yourself. I mean, I always hate that feeling of "I wish I had...." but if you just go for it, at least you know you tried. And chances are, you wont make an idiot out of yourself or the person will want to talk to you again. Even if you dont have the confidence now, pretend that you do and the confidence will soon follow. I have anxiety problems, too. My heart thumps so hard no matter how small or insignificant the situation is. I get shakes, sweaty palms..all of it. It's hard, but I wish I had known what I do now when I was 13. Honestly, just do it and dont think of the consequences. Sometimes, actually most of the time, I will figure out what I wanna say and in my head I will count to 3 and just SAY IT. I have made a promise to myself that once I reach 3, I cant NOT say whatever I wanted to say. Next time this girl talks to you, take a deep breath and just respond the best that you can. Dont think that anything you have to say is "dumb" just go for it. Im sure she will be happy that you conversed back. Good luck! I mean it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm 19 and i'm still shy... no matter how easy some people make it look it'll never be that easy for me... I found it easier when you don't think about acting stupid... i always felt if i talked to a girl i'd say or do something stupid.. sometimes that happens yes, but sometimes you can turn it around to your benefit.. my biggest problem is falling for girls i guess... if a beautiful girl walks into my life at the right time (like this new russian chick ) i'm instantly attracted to her.. i know i'll have a problem talking to her, and i won't want something like "you're beautiful" or something else, i don't even know what else i could say, to come out and it does... now you can take that and just sit there with a dumbfounded look on your face or turn it around for your benefit.. just be like "well, i didn't want that to slip out till later... but i do think you're quite cute" something like that.. turns it around for you and you'll at least get a smile out of her... This advice probably makes no sense cause i'm a rambler.. makes sense in my head tho... i'll try and make it more coherent next time...

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