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That which is unforgivable

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Can you stay in a relationship with someone for whom you have no respect? How long would it last?


I told myself that after my ex dumped me after 3 months of emotional abuse. The second I read his cowardly email, I knew that although my heart was breaking, I didn't love him anymore, and would never go back, as any respect I had for him had vanished, and respect is a prerequisite for love. It made things slightly easier for me.


As for a dealbreaker, as others have said, I may very well say something now, but when it comes to it, I may either stretch this boundary as far as it will go, or fall way way short, and some seemingly tiny matter may finish it.


I'm guessing though, that any kind of behaviour from my boyfriend that in anyway reminds me of the behaviour of my ex when he started the abuse would have me out the door like a shot. I ignored the flags from the start, and put up with things I shouldn't have, for fear of abandoning him!


I guess it just comes down to your personality. Me being not very confident, naive, being too nice, forgiving too easily...it all made me stay in something I should never have started. Someone with more confidence and life experience would have seen what he was like from the beginning. I suppose now though, that with those experiences, I will be able to remove myself from situations detrimental to my health and wellbeing before they get a chance to cause any damage.

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Cheating of ANY kind, never forgivable. Been there, done that, got the tshirt. Who would want to lay in bed with someone who had been touching another and telling them, what they are now telling you.


Ghost: This right here:


kicking me in the balls on purpose.


might just be the funniest thing I ever read.

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