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the heart breaking ceremony has begun

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its official, my girlfriend of two years broke up with me and i don't think i can handle this. the pain is unbearable and the thoughts of what i shoulda and coulda done are racing through my mind. i never imagined that it would be this hard and now i don't know what the future holds. i planned on marrying this girl one day and she thought the same. to see your future disappear is a devastating thing to go through and i have no clue on how i am going to get through this. i know time heals all wounds, but time is not on my side.

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Perhaps maybe a little background of why she departed from you? I cannot give much advice on the fact that she left, but that to see life as YOU ONLY LIVE IT ONCE, and make it worth while. I know you must have had love for this maiden, but try to find a way to block it from your head. I hope this small amount helped.

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i'm right there with you -- my girlfriend and i have been going through the splits since august ... we live together ... she broke up with me in august, we got back together a month later, and then broke up with me again last weekend, this time for good i really believe. now she's looking for a new place to live. sometimes i feel like i can deal with it ok, but, for instance, 10 minutes ago she called from work and was talking about how excited she is to get her own place and how it will "probably salvage our friendship" and i can just tell from the way she's talking that in her mind, our 2.5-year relationship is completely over and she's totally happy and content to just be friends, nothing more ... no attraction, no being in love, none of it ... it's really hard to take, especially when at one time i know she loved me so much and considered me her soulmate and wanted to get married eventually and all of that ... but what can you do? it's completely unnerving and throws your whole life into disarray, like now what? where do i go and what do i do with myself? the future seems so cloudy. but i've been in this same situation before, and back then i thought god, how will i ever move on, i'll always be miserable, but i did move on and got through it eventually. and i'm sure in a year or two i will have moved on from this and maybe i'll find someone else, who knows? you just have to remember that your life is far from over even if it feels that way right now. all it takes is time ... it sucks and it's painful, i know, but it's like being drunk -- the only thing that will sober you up is time, not coffee, not anything else ...

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