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Sisters Husband Cheating


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Hey all I usually post in the other threads regarding my recent break up with my EX of 4 years but just the other day I found out my sisters husband of 9 years has been cheating on her with over 10 different women over the course of the whole marriage. I thought I was going through pain with my problems but after hearing about hers I feel very sad for my sister. They have two children together. A boy who is almost 4 and a little girl who is only 1 year old. My sister found a womans thong in his briefcase and receipts for manicures and pedicures which cost over thousands of dollars. He has always been a good husband but ever since he had kids with my sister he was never around and my sister was forced to raise the kids on her own with barely any help from her husband. He started calling her telling her he would be out of business trips and sometimes wouldnt come home until 3 or 4 in the morning. apparently my sister also found out he has been spending thousands of dollars on bras and underwears. Massages...just out of the ordinary kind of stuff. My sister told him she doesnt want to be with him anymore and kicked him out yesterday. I just want to know what I can do to help her out because I honestly never thought anything like this would happen in my family but the worst part about this all is the kids dont have a father figure in their lives to raise them and show them how to have fun. My nephew is always so pent up with energy because hes usually inside because his father is never around. I do what I can but I feel hopeless for her.

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I am SO sorry to hear that. Your sister must be in hell right now. All you can do is be there for her when she needs you. Listen to her and let her know that she can count on you when she needs support and a friendly ear.


Her husband's bad ways will catch up with him, very soon. Fortuantely, she didn't catch any diseases from him. Cheaters don't understand that cheating is very serious. She will be fine, God hears all of her crys and he is setting good things up for her in the future. Tell your sis, to hang in there.


Oh, and offer to babysit for her once in a while. She may need some time for herself in these days ahead.



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well, their father sounds like he was never around raising the kids anyway, so kicking him out won't be a big change in their lives... plus it gives your sister a chance to find someone else who will treat her with respect and stick around enough to be a stepfather to the kids...


you are their uncle, so during this tough time, why not stop by once a week to play with the kids?


really, a father who is disrespectful to his wife and ignores the family most of the time is not a good parent nor example for the kids, and obviously the guy didn't really want much of a family life. he'll probably see the kids now and again, but your sister now has a chance at a normal life once the divorce is through.


so try to be positive for her, listen to her, and play with the kids a bit when you visit. if he was never around anyway it may not be the tragedy you think it is now...

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Sorry for your problem.


All you can do is give your sister the support she needs through the transition, and try to be a father figure to your nephew and neice.


Sounds like her husband might have been buying sex with gifts and overpriced salon services rather than having romantic affairs ... but cheating is still cheating. At some point, I would gently suggest to your sister that she get tested for STDs.


Sorry again.



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