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We eventually spoke tonight

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For those who have been reading my daily posts thank you


Last night i took your advice and started the no contact. This morning when i woke up i had a text from my boyfriend asking if i was ok. I deliberatly didnt text back for a few hours and said i was fine.


He called me tonight when i was at work. Luckily i'm a manager so i dont do alot, and got to chat on the phone for a while. I asked him if he was ok...we made small talk etc. I asked if me and him were ok and he said he wasnt sure. He said he was thinking about ending our relationship all week. He said that the age difference defiantly showed at the weekend (he is three years older than me!! big deal?, whilst his best friend is 5 years older than he is) and i acted really childish infront of his friends. We made plans for the weekend and i ended the conversation.


I'm not sure whether to bring up anything at the weekend. We are going on a planned trip to London and im not sure whether i would ruin it. I just want a seriois conversation with him and i want to tell him he's been hurting me too these past few days.

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I suggest that you say nothing about this until after the weekend and try your best to put it out of your mind. Enjoy the trip, be happy and relaxed and makes sure both of you have fun so that you enjoy each others company,. That way, when you do have the talk, both of you will see that what you have is worth fighting for rather than just a continuation of stress, fighting and misery.

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three years older? what? you were "childish"?


hmm.... so he ignored your calls and was mean to you on the phone and then calls you to tell you that it was your fault and you were childish.


he doesn't sound so caring. i'm offended on your behalf.


i'm wondering if this weekend with him is a good idea or if you should cancel it and move on? i don't think you should have to pretend everything is happy and jolly just to keep him when it sounds like he might actually have another girl in the picture...

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three years older? what? you were "childish"?


hmm.... so he ignored your calls and was mean to you on the phone and then calls you to tell you that it was your fault and you were childish.


he doesn't sound so caring. i'm offended on your behalf.


i'm wondering if this weekend with him is a good idea or if you should cancel it and move on? i don't think you should have to pretend everything is happy and jolly just to keep him when it sounds like he might actually have another girl in the picture...


I agree. He basically threatens that he's going to dump you, doesn't acknowledge your feelings at all, and you going with him on a trip?


This just doesn't sound good to me.

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