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Question for everyone please...


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Yes it happens to the very best of us, But bare in mind it's a lesson to learn. At times when we realise that its too late, so all u have to try to do is move on and pray , making sure u never repeat a mistake twice or else it would no longer be a mistake.


It never hurts to try to gain wat u want.... Good luck searching..

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this isnt me taking someone for granted.. I seem to be the one that gets taken for granted


I was in that position....relegated to being little more than live in housekeeper, childcare person (HIS kid), and sex partner (when HE wanted it). Catching him cheating was the last straw. I left. Got therapy. Met my husband and have a happy, healthy relationship where I rarely (if ever) feel taken for granted.


3 or so years post-break-up, the cheater emailed to "see how I was doing." Since my last words to him were "I never want to see or speak to you again," I didn't bother answering him. On the other hand, my husband had no problem telling the cheater we were both fine, thanks and he needn't contact us again.

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Has anyone here ever taken someone completely for granted.. Meaning down the road in a relationship not putting forth energy.. just to have them leave you.. and then you realize what you had.. ??


Thank you very much in advance for answering this..


I sure as heck have!


I guess a lot of it was my own selfishness. Though part of it was that I was going thru a stressful time with other stuff. Put it together and what do you get? - me keeping her at arms-length and not trying (or not able to try) to do more to meet her needs. A recipe for disaster.

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