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Hi, i'm Sam, a junior in high school. I've been going out with this girl for about 3 months.I love this girl and wouldn't doing anything to hurt her...but somehow I managed to mess up bad.I was at this concert a a week ago and I ended up making out with 2 girls.I know this doesn't sound much like love but I really really do love her. Anyways 2 days after it happened I told her about it, because I wanted to be honest with her and I couldn't live with the guilt.we talked about it and she said that she would give me a second chance, but we would have to start over from scratch at friendship.she was very hurt by what I did, and I really am terribly sorry about it and if we get together again I know it will not happen again.I know she still likes me because she wouldn't have given me a second chance if she didn't and she left this message on my phone and said she missed me.We talked on the phone today and yesterday. But I was wondering when I should start trying to see her again, and how I can prove to her that she can trust me after what I did.

thanks for any replies

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How you proove to her that you care about her as a gf is to act appropriately. Over time, the trust will build. There are not quick answers because you took her trust for granted by kissing other girls.

If she ends up saying "that was okay", then she has issues of her own.


It's great that you have love for her, but please understand that there are different types of love. You've proved that you don't love her in a mature way because of your choice to choose physicall pleasure over the thought of your girlfriend. That's an immature form of love.. but you should be commended for admitting your mistake and admitting you care for the girl.


Now, to take steps in the right direction. Be a leader. Show her what caring is all about. Don't mess around with other girls. If you plan to, or if you do, you need to break up with the girl so you don't break her heart.

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well, what happened was like this, it was the first concert I'd been too, and i was talking to these girls just kinda hangin out,I didn't intend on doing anything, I had my shirt off(made the mistake of wearing a long sleeve shirt and the temp shot up to about 85) and they were flattering me and stuff and asking me to make out, and honestly I hadn't been in a situation like that before and my brain sort of went numb and I began to think with the wrong head and ended up making out with two of them. I know this is something that won't happen again, because it hurt my girl too much and I felt so bad that i had hurt her that I didn't sleep for a couple days and lost my appetite.We're talking on the phone about everyday again, and I went over to her house with a friend a couple days ago. So we're doing what we said we would, starting over from friendship, and i just hope she'll take me back eventually.one thing that did catch my eye when I went over to her house was that she was wearing the necklace I got her for her birthday that she almost never wears, i don't know if that means anything or if it's me wanting it to mean something.

thanks for the replies I really appreciate them, this site is great I'm really glad I ran accross it

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