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  1. well, what happened was like this, it was the first concert I'd been too, and i was talking to these girls just kinda hangin out,I didn't intend on doing anything, I had my shirt off(made the mistake of wearing a long sleeve shirt and the temp shot up to about 85) and they were flattering me and stuff and asking me to make out, and honestly I hadn't been in a situation like that before and my brain sort of went numb and I began to think with the wrong head and ended up making out with two of them. I know this is something that won't happen again, because it hurt my girl too much and I felt so bad that i had hurt her that I didn't sleep for a couple days and lost my appetite.We're talking on the phone about everyday again, and I went over to her house with a friend a couple days ago. So we're doing what we said we would, starting over from friendship, and i just hope she'll take me back eventually.one thing that did catch my eye when I went over to her house was that she was wearing the necklace I got her for her birthday that she almost never wears, i don't know if that means anything or if it's me wanting it to mean something. thanks for the replies I really appreciate them, this site is great I'm really glad I ran accross it
  2. Hi, i'm Sam, a junior in high school. I've been going out with this girl for about 3 months.I love this girl and wouldn't doing anything to hurt her...but somehow I managed to mess up bad.I was at this concert a a week ago and I ended up making out with 2 girls.I know this doesn't sound much like love but I really really do love her. Anyways 2 days after it happened I told her about it, because I wanted to be honest with her and I couldn't live with the guilt.we talked about it and she said that she would give me a second chance, but we would have to start over from scratch at friendship.she was very hurt by what I did, and I really am terribly sorry about it and if we get together again I know it will not happen again.I know she still likes me because she wouldn't have given me a second chance if she didn't and she left this message on my phone and said she missed me.We talked on the phone today and yesterday. But I was wondering when I should start trying to see her again, and how I can prove to her that she can trust me after what I did. thanks for any replies
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