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Girls: Cute vs. Hot


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No. The "hotness" is all about the personality and how you try to show yourself to other persons. That is why I tend to think that "hot" people are shallow, as they are so worried about their looks and what people think of them, that they don't have any time to look to their insides.



Ok. I keep thinking men say "hot" meaning superior in looks, but it seems to be how a girl presents herself. I'll go with that.

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Well, I definitely don't mean Cute as mediocre, and I certainly hope some of the girls I've dated didn't interpret my well-intended compliments that way.


I used to always like being called cute, but things I've seen guys say on ENA in the past about cute opposed to hot and wanting a super hot girl got me kind of paranoid about it. Now I feel as if a guy must see me as hot to really like me.




They are subjective terms. When I think of the word 'hot', I think of the common definition. Curves everywhere, big lips...I dunno. That 'movie star' or 'model look'. Not my game.


I like it earthy. My own personal 'hot' IS 'cute'. I can't just see a girl and think 'dayumn'. I mean...there's always initial attraction, but I have to get inside that head to know if I really like what I see.


Does 'hot' mean they look better? I would say no. Any guy wants someone THEY are attracted to. There is no one 'best' way to look.


Edit for bad joke: If you wanna get punny, and interpret 'hot' as 'illegal', then only creeps want hot girls.


Yay for you having your own personal hot.


All guys should. And it shouldn't include large breasts and behinds. Kidding.

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I used to always like being called cute, but things I've seen guys say on ENA in the past about cute opposed to hot and wanting a super hot girl got me kind of paranoid about it. Now I feel as if a guy must see me as hot to really like me.




Yay for you having your own personal hot.


All guys should. And it shouldn't include large breasts and behinds. Kidding.



Snap yourself out of that mindset, as it is no good for anything.


First of all, cute and hot are subjective and after all, they are only words that everybody can give a meaning to, so you won't be able to find a real meaning for them.


You've seen here that most of us have a different opinion about what is hot and what is cute. So I'd like to turn it into something different:


Hot = Good for a one night stand


Cute = Relationship material


So what you are truly looking for is to be "Relationship material", however the guy choses to call it, whether it be hot/cute/f*ckable/attractive/adorable/etc. Don't try to read too much into words, as, they are only words, and they have a different meaning in different mouths.

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I'm twisted, but I definitely take it as a compliment when guys sees me as hot and want a one night stand with me even though I would never participate in such a thing, lol. I guess because I don't have confidence in my looks, and I don't think most guys would view the "take home to mom" type as even close to as much of a turn on physically as the girls they gawk at in porn.


I'm being so negative tonight, but I'm tired, it's late....lol

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Well I can see plenty of girls to be cute but yet hot at the same time!


Just look at Jennifer Connelly!!


Yeah, Jennifer Connelly ranks very high on my celebrity wish-list, lol!


Although, this got me thinking. Most girls are cute in their own way, and so I can begin to see why dietrying thinks of Cute as mediocre. But the thing is, there are many characteristics some guys would consider cute which I wouldn't, and vice versa. So for a guy (or, maybe just a guy like me) to call a girl Cute means he likes her.


You guys are right though; there's sooo much that goes into how you perceive someone else.


The last girl I dated is a perfect example. First of all, let me just say she was very cute and totally awesome, which was my primary interest. However, it's interesting to hear what my different friends said. Those who had only seen her said she was probably around an 8/10 (rating Hotness), but yet those who had had any encounter with her said she was a 10. "Stunning" one of my friends called her. There was just something about her, maybe her posture or her sincerity, just something that was transmitted accross whichever room she was in. I can't name it, but it was there.


And I know there are plenty of other unnamed factors out there. Some of my friends find attractive girls I simply don't, for whatever reasons.

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I'm twisted, but I definitely take it as a compliment when guys sees me as hot and want a one night stand with me even though I would never participate in such a thing, lol. I guess because I don't have confidence in my looks, and I don't think most guys would view the "take home to mom" type as even close to as much of a turn on physically as the girls they gawk at in porn.


I'm being so negative tonight, but I'm tired, it's late....lol


I think you're missing the big picture.


If I said that you are "hot", then that would mean that I would have sex with you, but after we were done, I would show you the way out.


Now, if I said you are "cute", then that would mean that I would have sex with you, BUT, and here comes the important part, sex would not be the only thing I would want from you. I would want sex plus all other things involved in a relationship.


So if you want to put it into a scale, being "cute" (or relationship material) is way higer on the scale than just being "hot".

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Yeah, I expect to be compared with other girls...often with thoughts like "surely he can see I'm not as good looking as them." That's why I don't believe compliments either, I just think I wouldn't still get them if other girls were around. Irrational...hopefully.


God, we're a pair. Lol.


When girls have given me the slightest bit of attention, I always assume it's because they're bored and have nothing better to do. That is, NOT because they actually find me hot (sic) enough.

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You're so beautiful though Carrie!


Thank you.


God, we're a pair. Lol.


When girls have given me the slightest bit of attention, I always assume it's because they're bored and have nothing better to do. That is, NOT because they actually find me hot (sic) enough.


Lol we're so paranoid.


I'm going to try to change beliefs like that, and I think you should too, because it sucks to be interested in someone and then have them try to convince you that you don't really like them, lol.

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