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how do you make friends in a new city


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So for a little background, I've been living in my current city or residence(Kelowna, BC, Canada) for the past 15 years (i'm 20 now) and i used to do drugs yadda yadda yadda i had a ton of friends but i kinda grew out of the whole drug thing and now i have maybe 2-3 friends i hang out with....

anyway, due to my not so great past here I'm gonna be moving to either Vancouver or Victoria in a couple of months to have somewhat of a fresh start. The thing is i have somewhat of a social anxiety, I've got it under control for the most part but i still have a hard time meeting new people and really don't know how i would go about doing it in a new city.

So i guess what i'm really asking is for some advice on how to meet new people in a place i'm not too familiar with.

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It can be difficult at first. Outa college I moved a along ways from home and it took some time. Work friends are the most manageable, another good option is to try meeting people at your apartment complex.


If you go through a real estate agent have them look for areas with a younger demographic, if you're not careful you'll end up in a complex full of people in their 40s with kids. . and while they make good neighbors, you'll not likely want to go clubbing with them.


I've visited Vancouver, and the people there by and large are pretty friendly. Just keep an open mind and an easy smile and you should do well.

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