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For my boyfriend...


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You say you love me,

but my thoughts think different,

you say you'll never leave,

but all the others went.


You say you care for me,

want to cuddle me,

hold me in your arms,

kiss me,

I see these as lies,

I'm sorry,

but I don't believe you,

everyone else said that too,

where are they now?

You'll join the que,

the que that left.


I love you more than words can express,

pretty impossible huh?

Not at all.

I love you with all my heart, soul, every fibre of my being,

I'm just scared of you, scared you'll be leaving,

leaving sometime soon.

I want to trust you,

to open up to you,

to let you in,

to not let the thoughts win,

the thoughts who tell me,

who think you're lying,

deep down, like you said,

my heart believes you,

it's true,

but I'm so scared,

so very scared you'll leave.


I don't want you to leave,

I love you,

more than anything,

words can't describe my feelings,

too powerful to be spoken of,

too strong to describe,

I love you though,

please don't leave me,

I love you,

please don't abandon,

I love you,

I just hope I'm not in for more pain,

more suffering,

please don't vanish,

please stay,

I love you,

I want to be with you,



I hope that,

oneday we will finally be together,

face to face, heart to heart,

and I'll finally be able to look you in your beautiful eyes,

and whisper in your ear,

'I love you',

and I'll put my arms around you,

hold you close,

stay up all night,

just looking in each others eyes,

holding each other,



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