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Rock and a Hard Place


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My ex girlfriend of about a year and a half and I broke up probably around 3 or 4 months ago. While we were going out I always got the sense that her best friend kinda liked me and I swore I didn't like her back, or at least I didn't think so. Now I've come to realize that I really do like her best friend, a lot, but I've heard my ex still likes me. I can't stop thinking about the best friend even though everyone keeps telling me she off limits because of the history involved but I want to hope otherwise. Can anybody help me?

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It might be pretty devious...but honestly, that's for HER and HER BESTFRIEND to decide, it's not really your problem. You're the ex...its between her and her friend to see if she's alright with you two dating. You're free to do whatever you want, she's not off limits to you....you're off limits to her -if your ex couldn't handle seeing you go out with her best friend. Your best bet is...if you really want to date her, have her see if your ex is okay with it...I doubt she will be, but it's worth a shot. If their friendship is good and strong, she'll listen, and you probably won't go out with her. If it isn't a strong friendship or if you ex is okay with it, she'll want to go out with you more than likely...it's just kind of a tricky situation.

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well from a moral point it is kinda off limits or wrong to date your ex gf best friend but if you guys are all open people like all these young people now a days then you might have a shot...me personally couldnt date someone who dated my best friend but not everyone think alike

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well it maybe another option... while I was with my ex we hung out alot with her best friend and I kinda grew attached to her as well..now she's in a relationship with a horrible guy but thats for her to deal with, anyway, when me and the ex broke up she was kinda there for me and after the ex moved away I began to see times I spent with her friend well to be honest kinda like old times, and I started to wonder if I kinda had a thing for her. After some thinking I realized I did care for her, but as like more of a family member (if that makes any sense) she reflected some of the good times I had with the ex and she embodied that.

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If it's any help I'm going out with my best friends ex. However, that's not really the full story as me and my ex split up on extremely good terms (she's one of my closest friends), and there's no residual attraction there. That and she practically set me up with her friend herself.


So yeah it really would help you to make some decisions if you got more info. Ask yourself these:


1. Do you know FOR SURE that your ex still feels for you?

2. Do you think you've got a good chance if you ever approached her friend?

3. How do you think going out with her friend would make her feel?

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