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has anyone else had this problem??


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so i am 16 year old male and like other 16 year olds i drink a little. but my parents found otu and they are extremly unreasonable. and i know why they are concerned and all but i dont think its fair that there soo upset that i have a couple occasional beers and grounds me for literaly months and months at a time. my grades are very good and meet there expectations and more. i do my chores and stuff around the house. my lfie is not effected in any negative way by it. its not liek i come home absolutly tanked or anything either i am a responsible drinker and i kjnwo my limit and everything. has anyone else had this problem??and if so what did you do?also for the parents out there what are your thoughts??

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They're just being parents, is all.

Just do the following:

1. Keep the trace clear, don't let it easy for them to find out.

2. Continue to be the good son that you are.

3. Just have fun.


My parents can be just as unreasonable, but I can't do much except keep my mouth shut when it comes to these things. Don't ask, don't tell.


Good luck.

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but i hate lying to them all the time. and when i do get caught its just rediculous. i got caught drinking one time and i got grounded for like 4 months and i havent been able to sleep over at anyones house for over a year now and i have a curfew at 10. and i think that since i do all my duties as a son, student and everything else as well i should be given some trust

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haha, each day i come home for work my dad will say, "theres a nice cold beer in the fridge just for you." lol. They however do not like me drinking with other people, especially when they are not around, which is cool because everyone else I know who drinks, drinks to get drunk. I enjoy having a beer or two occasionally just because it is a great social drink, but I hate getting drunk, just not my thing.

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The thing is you said "my life isnt affected in any negative way by it"

but...you were grounded for 4 months and arent allowed over to a friends house to spend the night...that seems like a couple negatives to me. I dont want to sound goody-good or anything. because iam not. but the thing is...and its what iam just beginning to learn...when your 16...BE 16...why be 21...you know? the reason the drinking age is higher is because of the fact that you arent responsible enough at 16 to understand the difference between drinking and getting drunk...16 year olds arent going to have a couple drinks with friends and say iam done. they want to parrty!!. you know? and the thing is...why? why do you want to go to the trouble of hiding it from your parents...why? in the end the only thing thats going to happen is them losing their trust in you...trust me...if you tell your friend no i dont want to drink i dont need a beer or a shot to have fun...of course their going to make fun of you and give you * * * *...but at the end of the night you'll feel proud. that you didnt give in to whats "cool" and eventually all those "cool" kids. will realize how un-"cool" they are...it may take them a while but more people will have respect for you for being that one guy that said no. vs. being one of those 20 kids that didnt...

trust me.

just dont do it.

its not like your addicted.

you 16.

be 16 buddy.

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no its not at all liek that with me and my buddies. no one ever gets heck for not drinking. and we split a 12 pack between liek 4 of us. and yeah we do say "ok im done" and there done which never really ever happens cuase i mean 3 beers right?but what u said in the beginer was true they are negatives. hmm well i dont knoww u did get me thinking though il take all that in consideration as well

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As a parent, I'll have to agree with them. The point is that you are only 16 and there is an age limit for a reason. So some 16 yr. olds are more responsible than others (and btw, that's great!), but that doesn't mean you can't get into trouble or get into a situation that you don't want to be in. You like freedom right? So don't drink right now. It won't hurt you to not drink. I'm sure your parents would be willing to give you more freedom if you didn't drink. It's something you're going to have to weigh...drink and get less freedom or don't drink and get more. The choice is yours.

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I think your parents are concern about your use of alcohol. Which is reasonable, since it's fairly easy for people to fall. You shouldn't need alcohol to have fun. Since you're only 16 (trust me im 18 - so im not an old geezer trying to school you) it's better just to play sports or whatever. Drink once in awhile to celebrate holidays or special occasions (bdays). I'm 18 and a lot of my friends have been drinking since young. Not a lot turn out fine. I think partly because when you're younger, your brain doesn't have as much control and good judgement.. so you're more likely to fall.


Listen to your parents. =]

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yaa i know why there worried and all that...and our dirnking is very casual and liek you said on occasions not every time we go out. liek the last time we drank was on canada day. thats july 1st for people that arnt from canada. but sure i guess i will just keep the drinking out for a while thankss every1

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it sounds terrible...but yes, hide it from them.

i don't get in trouble for drinking, but i know my parents don't like it, so i do sometimes lie so they won't know.

also, my parents used to feel a LOT more comfortable if i drank at home. it sounds strange, i know...but a lot of your parents' concern might be about you or your friends drinking and driving or one of you getting too drunk and dying...anyway, dunno if that would work with your parents, but its a thought.

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i have the same problem, i'm a 15yr old girl and i like to go out with my friends. My mates drink and smoke -i only drink --but not to excess. my mum stil hates it and grounds me.


If i go out to a club or bar with my friends, i feel like such an IDIOT if i order an orange juice or something like that because they all have stuff like bacardi or GnT or Malibu etcetc


When i visit my dads house, he lets me have some wine every dinner time with the rest of the family but my mum doesn't know about it.


i just don't tell my mum if iv had a drink OR only tell her AFTER i've drank it.


Now, my mum knows i have drank alcohol before and she never sees me tipsy or anything whch reassures her that i am responcible.


Justkeep letting your parents know that you're responcible too and you can handle these kind of things so they can trust you more in future.

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ugh i just cant wait till i can go out and drink or w.e with out lying to my parents and worrying about getting caught. ive never been too drunk before. and im always the one looking after the others. pretty much the designated...well designated person that takes care of ppl. none of us can drive haha. but yeaa. i wonder what i would do when i get kids and they drink. i wonder if i would feel teh same way i do now. or the same way my parents do. mind u my parents are asian so they have difffernt cultural upbringins compared to a lot of ppl

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