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Ok, I mentioned in another thread why I do not smoke doobie. Here is the story.. OHH MAN, makes me laugh now.


It all began on a starry night, my sister and brother were big druggies, I however had never attempted them, I drank, alot. I was I think 14 at this time, maybe 13. A bit hazy. Well, my brother had asked me a million times to smoke some weed, I always declined, well for once, I gave in. I walked into his room and about 8 people were there including my sister and her HOT FRIENDS, so I am trying to be cool you know. I sit down and they had me a pipe, i had seen them do it a bunch before so I knew what to do. I took in a huge hit on that thing and held it in for as long as I could. No coughing, gaggin or anything just a slight burn that was no big thing. I then exhaled and passed it around. I sat there a few minutes and felt nothing. So, my turn again and again I inhaled as much as I could, now I was a cross country runner at the time so my lung capacity was rather big. I then passed it around and let it out when I could not hold it in any longer. Now, I didnt really feel anything, but I felt good. In control but not wanting ot be in control. My brother said enough, but I insisted that I get more as I really dont feel anything. This was the doozy, I took that TOKE and man oh man, instantly after letting it go, I was no longer in control but wanted to be. if that makes sense. My sister and her friends we laughing at me and I didnt know why, i was not doing anything funny or out of the ordinary. just sitting there. I then, leaned over and picked up a bottle of pepper that was next to the food, I opened the bottle and poured a handful of PEPPER into my hand and in one quick motion, I lifted to my nose and SNORTED ALL THAT PEPPER. Yes SNORTED PEPPER. It burned! Alot! I then grabbed the soda and reached in and grabbed ice cubes and started shoving ice cubes up my nose cause it was hot. Everyone is rolling, I am crying and I look down and my JUNK is hanging out of shorts, and that is what my sister and her friend had been laughing at, my junk flapping out of my shorts.

After I shoved that little thing back into my shorts I got up and tried to walk out of the room, I didnt make it. I passed out.


That is my story of my only weed smoking moment. I quit drugs after taht and resumed my booze problem. Safer...

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In high school, I was once out with a group of friends who were of varying degrees of sober at the time.


One of the guys started playing around with a salt shaker, spilling salt on the table, forming it into a line. Then he took a straw and snorted the line of salt.


Judging from his reaction, salt is also unpleasant when taken nasally.

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ROFLMAO...seriously....funniest stoned story ever.

My first time was actually really great, if not bizarre. I was with these people who were really spiritual and easy going, but also happened to be drug dealers, lol. The high crept up on me, and hit me like a ton of bricks. I started laughing til I cried, and then I eventually stopped laughing, but kept crying! I felt so bad, like I was being an emo buzzkill...but honestly, it felt so good to cry! They were really understanding. I was a little nervous (I was 17 at the time) and I was waiting for my mom to call to ask where I was. These two nuts (I say this with affection, lol), were going on and on about how spiritual of an experience this was for me, and how it was a release from all the stresses of my life. It felt like they were talking for an eternity...then I looked down at my phone, looked back up at them, and went: "Whoa...that was a minute."


Oh well....don't do that stuff anymore, but it still makes for some funny memories.

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Wow, man, I thought it was later, whoa, this is some good stuff.

This is the best burrito I ever ate, man. The cook must be high too.

Your dog's trying to hynotize me. Tell him it won't work. Uh...

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oh man, the burrito thing reminded me...

Of course, food is AWESOME when you just smoked some pot...but nothing will ever compare to the night that I ate Haagen-Dazs chocolate brownie ice cream when I was high. It was so delicious. Oh my God, seriously. It was like poetry and orgasms and fluffy kittens in my mouth. It was heaven distilled into a chocolate flavored dairy dessert. I was completely, totally, utterly absorbed in that little bowl of ice cream and every bite of it I took. Probably the best food I've ever eaten.

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