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Question for both males and females, do you normally talk to those who you like?


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I love this question and I'm curious to get input from people of all ages.


See I always felt like I was the only one who didn't talk to those who I liked back in High School, but I've read many posts on these forums and many people have admitted that either they or other people often don't even seem to acknowledge those who they like.


So spill your beans, speak the truth.


Do you talk to those who you like?


Do you ignore them in general?


Do you sometimes even ignore then when they are trying to talk to you, giving the impression you don't like them?


I'm curious, because it seems like people can be liked but never know it because no one ever approaches them or talks to them, LoL. I know for example, even though I have a history of not talking to those I like, I try to flirt and look at them. I have to laugh cause I'm always told I'm a sweetheart and would be good with the ladies, but I never have ladies talk to me, and many just always seem to ignore me for some reason, which I always found funny. How can someone be a sweetheart but then be ignored like they are a jerk or something, LoL. I always thought that was funny.

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I used to be pretty friendly and just talk to anybody. I met a lot of new people that way especially at my work and one of my coworkers at work went to one of the neighboring schools so he would introduce me and help me get numbers haha.


I guess here mainly people are talking about high school but I am kinda sick of the girls at my high school. At work there is a group of girls who always come in and I have had my eye on one. They have come in a lot and so far I have been playing the card where you pretend to not show any interest, maybe brief eye contact.... and I think that is working pretty well. Sometimes it makes them more interested in you and want to know what they are missing out on. I will ask for her number when I next see her and she will probably be surprised. Who knows.

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I'm sort of like that. However, I am ridicuously shy. I really don't want the person I like to know that I like them so I do the "worship from afar" thing. If I'm walking near them, I'll purposefully either not look at them or glance only briefly.


*However*, if they talk to me first, I'll be very friendly and playful. For this reason, I will often conveinently place myself in their path in hopes that they'll speak to me. I know.. it's lame.

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See, this is why I was always amazed, is how it's always been written that you need to talk to those you like.


I mean some people used to brag and make it sound like those who don't talk to those they like are weird or wimps.


So I had to know, if really that many people did just go out and talk to those they like.


Also, I've always heard those stories, there is even a post not that long ago here, that a really pretty girl never seems to get approached, so I knew it wasn't like how some guys make it sound, that they are master pimps/playas and getting women is so easy it's unbelievable, LoL.


For me, it's always been odd, I've never usually had women talk to me that liked me, except one, and I didn't get to find out she liked me until after. I've tried to talk to girls I was interested in before, but for whatever reason, I'm always ignored.


Also, what made life hard for me usually was, I like girls who are happy a lot of the time, but are more socially laid back, I mean don't have a cell phone, talking 24/7, have people and places to go every second, etc. I usually go for the girls that give off a shyer type of personality, so I think that's a fairly bad problem for me, hard to get the attention of shy people, LoL.


Don't ask me what I do, but it's just like I'm ignore many of times when I try to talk to a girl, yet I'm told by many people in person, that's I'm a cool person to be around and am fun. Life just makes me laugh. LoL.

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I went to a huge salsa festival in toronto just yesterday and the day before, and I discovered that:


I spoke to about 90% of the people I wanted to speak with,


spoke to ~ 80% females


danced with about 80% of the ones I asked to dance


Spoke to about 25% of the girls I found attractive,


And danced with about 80% of girls I found attractive


Approximations in a situational environment. Couldn't quite speak with every nice girl cause it was crowded (overwhelmingly)

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Well if someone tries to start up a conversation with me, I'll always try to be friendly. Will I go out of my way to talk to someone I've got a crush on? That depends. If I've been friends with them for a long time, sure. If I just met them, I'll probably run in the other direction whenever I see them.


I don't know why I do it, it just happens.

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Will I go out of my way to talk to someone I've got a crush on? That depends. If I've been friends with them for a long time, sure. If I just met them, I'll probably run in the other direction whenever I see them.


I don't know why I do it, it just happens.




I wonder if a lot of girls are like this? It sure does make things confusing for us men. I'm just wondering if this is a common thing or not...?

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HeHe, I don't know why, but in person women seem to like me, and find me a great guy.


Yet when I message girls on MySpace trying to have a conversation, almost none of them ever write me back. I always found that funny.


I've gone for some girls but many times, for whatever reason, something goes wrong, like I find out they are the gansta type who think they are big and bad, and I don't like them, or they have a bf or something.


It's fairly hard in the field of getting women, at least in my city. Oddly enough, it seems like once I go out of state or out of my city, it's like my luck with women just changes dramatically.


Women are smiling at me and stuff like that, any time I go anywhere besides my city.


How can a guy have it ok with females when he goes too most places but in his own city, he just seems horrible with women? I always found that funny.


Maybe I am unique looking to other cities and stand-out more or something, who knows, or just my city is a city full of non-single girls, who knows, LoL.

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