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boyfriend/friend?which one?


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i have been with my boyfriend for a year and a half now. over a year ago i met this really nice guy in a school musical and i really liked him but he didnt show the same signs so i decided to forget about him. about 6months ago his friend started going out with my best friend so i saw him again at her birthday. we got on really well and flirted all night. he text me after and told me that he really liked me. we've stayed in contact as good friends. we meet up all the time and just have fun as friends.


however, yesterday we met up and he kept hugging me(as usual) but i felt i wanted more. then when we were texting last night he was saying how annoyed he was that he didnt have a girlfriend and he started describing what a great boyfriend he would be.


my boyfriend is a total sweetheart and im soooooo in love with him, but im also in love with my friend now. i dont know whether to give my friend a chance and lose my boyfriend or stick with my boyfriend???i really do love him.



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Welcome to eNotAlone,


It all depends who you like better. Follow what your heart tells you. Ask yourself this, when you hug your boyfriend do you have the same feeling as when you hug your friend? When your friend kisses you on the cheek is it better then when you boyfriend kisses you on your cheek? Who ever you feel better, safer, loved more around.... go with him. Your choice Good Luck



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... yourself this, when you hug your boyfriend do you have the same feeling as when you hug your friend? When your friend kisses you on the cheek is it better then when you boyfriend kisses you on your cheek? Who ever you feel better, safer, loved more around.... go with him. Your choice Good Luck"


This is good in principal but lacks one important caveat: the fact that your "friend" is "new" and "forbidden" but your boyfriend has been your boyfriend for a year and a half.


Indeed its important to decide who you like better, but you have to make sure that all the things you feel for your friend aren't just because he is someone new. If you dump your boyfriend for someone else and then realize that the main appeal was the "excitement" of wanting someone while you were with someone else, you'll be in quite a bind.


Not to make you feel guilty as this does happen all the time, but your current boyfriend also would have the right to feel pretty upset. If you dumped him, is he just going to learn that being a "wonderful guy" is a mistake? Do you have any reason to think that your boyfriend may also feel this way about someone else?

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emmmm no i dont think he does feel this way bout anyone else. there are lots of people trying to get with him but he ignores them all. i spent the day with him yesterday and i had such a good time. i get this great feeling when i'm in his arms. i think it might just be the excitement of having someone new, though my friend is the only guy i have other feelings for. i think ill hold off,stick with my boyfriend and see if my feelings go away

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