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Me and Me Cuzin both want a chick and there sisters


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OK tomorrow i'm sleeping over me mates place so me cuzin can get with this chick. He's got her eating outta his hands so to speak (although she would if he asked her 2 lol) but he wont go if i dont go because yeah he doesn't know her family that good but i've known them all for about 5 Years and previously went out with all 3 girls in the family. The eldest of the 3 sisters is my love interest at the moment though (she has been for the past 5 years lol) and i have recently found out that for the past year or so i've been hers as well but we were both a bit embarrassed 2 admit it because in that time frame i went out with 2 of her friends and her sister who my cuzin is now into now. Anyways the chick i like has a BF who lives in another state away from her and they dont keep in touch that much and he's a bit of an ass because they only get in contact when he feels like it and he's cheated on her in the past (they broke up for a week) but she is now contemplateing getting with me and i want her 2 but i dont know what i should do while i'm at her place. Any suggestions on how i can act to get her to like me more?

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This is what I pulled from your post: You have know this family for 5 years and dated two of the daughters.. But this entire time your love interest has always been the oldest, the one you are trying to hook it up with now.


Man, I say dating all three sisters in one family isn't a good thing. . . So if you want my advice, don't try anything with the oldest one. . . Move on to a different girl, in a different family.

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The clearest way to do this is to just ask her on a date where you can be alone and talk. Hanging around in groups is fine for fun, but can lead to all kinds of confusions if you are not making it clear which person you want to date.


And you certainly can't talk to her about whether she wants to leave her boyfriend to be with you in front of a whole bunch of other people.


So use parties etc. to have fun, but if you want romance with someone, ask them on a date and you can talk to them then about what you want.

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