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No Spark on first meeting - what should I do?


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A friend has been trying to fix me up with a friend of his. The three of us got together yesterday and although he seems like a nice guy/good personality there wasn't much of a spark on my part. My friend left me a message saying this guy is interested in pursuing this and he is going to give him my contact info.


The problem: I'm not all that interested in him. He seems like a cool guy, but no one I'd normally date. I feel bad if I don't give it a chance, but what's worse going out with him and then saying "lets be friends" or nipping it in the bud now?


Any thoughts? what do you do when you meet someone really sweet, but who isn't your "type" physically (no he's not ugly, but I don't think all that cute either) I have to call my friend back because he ants to know how I thought things went. What's a tactful way of saying he seems nice, but I'm not sure I'm interested?

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Well no one is saying you have to start to become b/g friend rite away just say you wanna get to know him a bit more and you can only do that by meeting up chatting on phone give him a chance he may have a personality which does not show rite away. If not then at least you gave it a chance.

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Hey !


You are already talking about telling him"Let's be friends" and you haven't even given him the chance. I'd say at least do him the courtesy of having a date together, and perhaps make some judgements then. You dont' have to be a chicken about it if you are not interested in him. He's a lad, and he can take it - if not, he has his own problems that he can not haldle rejection.


You are saying no already because of his looks, and you should give his personality some time alone with you, without his friend. You'd never know what you'll find, and its the decent thing to do. If you aren't interested in a relationship then, simply tell him that ! Whats so hard about it, and why complicate the matter by trying to find an"easier" way of telling him something that he would respect you for being honest about in the first place ?


At least give him a chance !

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