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friend to girlfriend


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I met her about 9 months ago attending an alternative high school. the first couple of weeks we talked soon after she took interest in me and wanted to be my g/f. That day she asked me i told her i would tell her the next day(which i regret very much)cause i never gave her my answer just went the rest of my time at that school still talking to her but never saying yes or no. After leaving that school i had'nt seen or talked to her for a while until this past summer when i saw her at summer school. when it turns out we where ther for the same class. Still after some time remaning friends I enjoyed seeing her every day of summer school. Where for the first time she gave me her number. She works at a local HEB near my house and whenever i go there, I see her and we talk for a while not holding her back from her work. to me I feel she still likes me because everytime i see her she is always in my arms. a couple of weeks ago I told her how I felt that I liked her and I have feelings for her, she replied the same, but when I asked her if she was still interested in getting together she said she did not know, she said she was doing her own thing. Saying that made no change in anything cause im still taking to her. But know i feel regret and stupidity for not telling her yes or no. And I want to be with her. So if any one has advice for this stupid guy please help. thanks

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Hello! I hope you get the advice you are looking for, and thanks for bringing this to eNotalone.com!


My first thoughts are that you two seem to be very comfortable around eachother, and that's a great start! The fact that you've already discussed things like this and are still comfortable talking says quite a bit!


My advice would be to tell her how you feel about not responding to her originally. She may not know how you felt and still feel about it, and hearing that may make her melt right on the spot! I don't know any of this for sure, so don't get your hopes up, but I would definitely suggest saying something along the lines of: "I want you to know, when you asked me that question back in school, I still regret to this day that I didn't say 'yes' right then and there... I don't know why I didn't, but I know I should have, because I feel like I missed out on something great..."


I know it's sappy, but it's exactly what you're thinking... I know it


Anyway, words like that, from the heart, can open up someone's mind and heart like you cant believe, so I'd give it another shot!


Good luck!


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