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Standing out in a positive way

Cheeky Charmer

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Hey guys/gals,


Just wanted to share a theory with you.


I consider myself to be a fairly confident person who isn't too self conscious. Being so, sometimes when I go out, in order to separate myself from most males I dress in a way that is, well, slightly out of the ordinary.


I style my facial hair and take sartorial props with me. Often I wear a tie, sometimes, if I'm feeling brave, I wear a 70s medallion which I bought from a fancy dress shop once.


The benefits of this are two fold.


1) It makes you noticeable (sometimes in a good way, sometimes not so good).




2) It works as a conversation starter.


If there's any guys out there who are feeling brave, I urge you to give it a go.


Similarly, I'd like to hear girls views. Would you run a mile thinking I was on day release or would you think I seem a fun loving guy who clearly doesn't take himself too seriously?

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I agree!!! I was worried that I wasn't getting noticed enough when I'd go out to social gatherings so I decided to enter a sprint clinic (bike racing) and get crashed by a newbie racer in the rain and break my arm. Since my cast has been on, I definitely stick out an get more attention from the opposite sex. I even have a nice nail polish signature to prove my point.


If you can stand the pain, the physical therapy, not being able to tie your shoe, having to shower with a bag on your arm, and the atrophy that comes from demobilization for 3+ months, I highly recommend breaking your arm. It works!

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No.. i'm not put off by a guy who wants to appear "different". And you are right, it's probably a good conversation starter. Would you say that the same applies though, to a woman? That is, if we were something out of the ordinary, we would stand out and have a great chance of being noticed?

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:S i guess i kinda had the right idea then......


Long story short..... Once i went into town with some friends dressed as a mobile phone (bought a costume off ebay). Didn't really notice any difference... although some people giving out free hugs did hug me twice


Might try the medallion

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yup, different is GREAT.

my bf is definatley different


the first time I met one of my mates was at a party... he was wearing a bright red zoot suit with nothing on underneath... I was so taken I did some detective work to find his number over the next week and got in touch with him

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I agree!!! I was worried that I wasn't getting noticed enough when I'd go out to social gatherings so I decided to enter a sprint clinic (bike racing) and get crashed by a newbie racer in the rain and break my arm. Since my cast has been on, I definitely stick out an get more attention from the opposite sex. I even have a nice nail polish signature to prove my point.


If you can stand the pain, the physical therapy, not being able to tie your shoe, having to shower with a bag on your arm, and the atrophy that comes from demobilization for 3+ months, I highly recommend breaking your arm. It works!


You're promoting breaking your bones? ROTFLOL! Ok...lemme just get up from my PC after I type this and slam my car hood onto my arm...or...walk in the wrong direction of traffic in town and stick my arm out, and pray that my arm gets hit by a car mirror. Ouch! Acutally...I've had that happen to a friend of mine back in grade school. We were walkin' home and we were walkin WITH the direction of traffic and someone hit his wrist with a car mirror...I was on the other side of him and all I heard was a "thud" and he started cryin....man that had to hurt. Then the next day or so...the teacher had him stay in the classroom and eat his lunch while he had to write on the board or in a journal as to what happened...as if it were some kind of punishment. What a * censored* for a 5th grade teacher!

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This is "Peacock theory." It's a tried and true method for getting attention from women. I know guys who will go so far as to wear light pink suits, pimp hats, and all sorts of crazy stuff. It will definitely make you stand out and you'll likely meet more women.


This is also discussed in the Mystery Method (which I don't really subscribe to, but it's fascinating.)

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Well, I think it works for a woman defiantly. Like I said in posts before, I only go for a certain type of girls. I don't as much noticing them having different clothes as much. I notice if they are talking to people, being friendly, but yet smiling and laughing. I don't really like to be with the type that are like dead like, never smiling or laughing, it makes me have a kinda-depressed feeling. I like the kinda girl that, smiles and laughs, that I can feel like I can have fun and be somewhat silly around, and like really nothing bothers us.


These types of girls, seem to stand out to me a lot, because it always seems that the girl that smiles and laughs a lot, tends to always seem to be an individual, and even though they have friends they talk to, they don't seem to have people constantly with them, they seem to enjoy their space a tad.

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I was wondering if any other guy noticed this at all. Do any of you guys seem to have a positive energy with say girls but for some reason seem to be negative with other guys?


I always try to have a positive glow to myself, and I am usually always happy. But the weird thing I have noticed was, it seems that my go-happy personality seems to do ok with the girls, I don't always have them talking to me, but I never seem to feel unwelcome around girls.


Now the odd thing is, when I seem to be seated with a bunch of guys, it's almost like I start feeling a negative energy, like I am not wanted or something or like I am completely boring to them or something but like I said, I never seem to get this feeling when I am around mostly girls.


Is happy-go-lucky not generally a personality guys go for, is it jealously or is it something else? I mean, now of days, I never usually have women give me a hard time and insult me, if anyone insults me or something or is rude, it tends to be a guy. Even women who people always say are rude and mean, never usually are rude or mean to me.


I mean, this isn't a one-time thing or a one-place thing, it's like anywhere I go, often in public, around girls, I always tend to get a positive energy, but when I am around guys, it's like there is an energy or feeling, they want me to leave.


I know it may sound strange but it seems to happen.

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This is "Peacock theory." It's a tried and true method for getting attention from women. I know guys who will go so far as to wear light pink suits, pimp hats, and all sorts of crazy stuff. It will definitely make you stand out and you'll likely meet more women.


This is also discussed in the Mystery Method (which I don't really subscribe to, but it's fascinating.)


It can make you stand out but not necessarily get a date. LOL I love "different" and am DRAWN to guys who are way out there but I can tell you that that was also my downfall. Before I was married I was always drawn to the different guy and they always seemed to be unemployed, or perverted, or a number of other undesirable characteristics and I trained myself when single to go against what I was attracted to ... LOL


Did that even make sense? Yeah when i was single I trained myself to go against what attracted me because the "different" guys that made me weak in the knees always had too many issues. LOL They "looked" benign enough but it seemed they always had dark secrets. yeah the things I attract. LOL

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Hmm, as odd and metaphysical as your story sounds... I'll buy it. Partly anyway.


Maybe you're on to something, with this energy business. Maybe you're somehow drawing these girls to you through your positive belief that they WILL like you. I wonder... it's certainly possible.


Hmm, now, if I could only get that to work for me, I'd be all set.

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LoL, yeah it's like I said, it's weird, but like I said, I seriously seem to feel comfortable around women and uncomfortable around men like they don't want me around or something but the odd part is I spent much of my life around men and have a fair amount of male friends yet it seems like we don't really click and get along as much as when I am around girls, it's like something makes me feel at home.


When I am around guys, it's like there is a depressing or boring atmosphere going on, and no one wants to do anything, and I love to do stuff, experience new things.


When I am around girls though, it's like they are smiling and in good moods normally and not really boring and depressed and seem to like to do new stuff, go look at new stores, go walk somewhere new, or something else.

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I guess it sort of works for me cos the kind of girls I like to attract are a bit outlandish. Not crazed pyschoes, just a little bit unorthodox (which is very much what I consider myself to be).


I'm fairly average looking (not stunning, but not ugly either) so the importance of making an instant impact and seperating myself from the 10s of other guys in the club who want a dance with her means I have to create my own system and be interesting in my own individual way.

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