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Me, Girls, Life - Need Advice


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Hey everyone, I'll warn you now that this will most likely get a little lengthy so grab a soda and some popcorn and settle on in.


I guess I'll start off by describing myself, physical traits and social traits, etc. etc.


Well, I'm 15 and turning 16 in November. I'm 5'9" tall, weigh 162 pounds, have brownish blonde hair with a tint of red (naturally), and I wear my hair kind of messy/spiked. I'm very athletic and well built since I've lifted weights since 6th grade. I'm also the fastest sprinter at our school, very in shape and skinny (28" waist), not scrawny skinny, the kind of skinny whereas I am built and muscular. I have moderate acne on my face and in my opinion my face isn't something everyone would desire to look at although I'd say I'm much better looking than alot of guys. I also have severe acne on my back (both upper and lower), which I'm going to see a dermatologist for soon and hopefully get rid of by medical lighting or some other medical treatment (others haven't seemed to work). As you can guess I don't take off my shirt too often unless girls are not present so I'm not as tan as I'd like to be or could be. I play year-'round soccer and that plays into why I am so in shape.


If that's enough for physical traits then I may as well get on to the social traits. I wear very baggy khaki cargo's, dark shirts (Hurley, Atticus, etc.) that expose more arm/muscle than some shirts, have a chain hanging from my pants, and again messy/spiked hair. Keep in mind I go to a private highschool so this style is not commonly seen. I guess you could classify me in the "loser" group. I get along with almost anyone though so technically you could classify me in any group you'd want to but I don't often talk to the people more considered popular. I hang out with the lesser people you could say just because they are less delusional and to me are much more normal and less stuck up and less concerned with themselves. I hang out alot with the upper classman in my school also just because I think I have matured faster in the last few years than alot of my classmates who still act as little children... may sound as I'm a little stuck up but its still the truth, alot of people in my class still have the little kid humor and giggles. I'm one of those rejected types that listens to punk rock, hard rock, and heavy metal. Rejected in the fact that no one likes my lifestyle but at the same time most guys would love to switch places with me because of my lifestyle and how much simpler my life is compared to theirs.


Now onto the subject of girls... I feel very confident in myself and my looks because I'm so muscular etc. etc. Until, that is, I actually meat someone I like; my confidence, then, goes down the hole straight to hell... I always, and I mean always, being to question myself and why any girl would like me, especially the one whom I have recently met. Sad to say I am usually right and when they do finally realize I like them it usually ends up in a really good friendship but no girlfriend, which really gets old if you get the picture. I guess my most challenging problems is getting a girl to like me in return which I'll restate later in the post when I get down to all my questions in the end. I know it can't be my body, I'm not fat, not a weakling, and I'm not some gross little skinny kid. The only conclusion I have is that it is or has something to do with my facial features although I don't think they are too horrible at all. Maybe its my personality? I make alot of jokes, gay jokes, like to have alot of fun, etc. Maybe girls just don't think I could be a serious guy in a relationship. I've only had one girlfriend, and I'm sure if we weren't at a social war today she'd tell anyone that I was a great boyfriend and serious about the relationship we had. I tried and pleaded with her for weaks to get back together I was so in love with her. Nevertheless, that ended up making us enemies and such but that is beyond the point. I lately have been teaching myself/learning how to play the electric guitar to make myself more interesting. I go to certain extremes to pump up my features so I have a chance to attract someone.




So here are my questions:


1.) Why do I have so much trouble attracting girls?

2.) Even if I do attract someone how do I get them to bring it out and tell me?

3.) I go to a private school and don't get out too often because my friends live so far away. Where and how should I be looking for these kind of girls that aren't afraid to commit to a relationship and come out to me?



And PLEASE do not just simply leave a reply saying "oh, the right one will come if you just wait". Thats bullshit and you know it. I don't like the idea of just sitting around and some happy old day someone will come along and fall in love with me. It just doesn't happen that way. And if it does that is extremely rare. I want advice on what to do and how to do it. Not to sit on my ass and wait.


Sorry if that sounds a little overboard but I'm tired of that reply. If you cant give any advice please dont bother replying. I'm trying to get as much advice as I possibley can! Thanks in advance if I don't get a chance to reply.

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I think he is looking for a more comited relationship j, well it sounds to me like you just dont have enough self-confidence. Women respond to people who are confident more than they would ever respond to how big you muscles are. If you arnt sure just say what you think is right then if they say it is something different just say something like that may be right ect. Oh BTW I know I hate how people say "dont worry yours will come along soon just wait for it" doesnt that just earitate you? LoL well I hope this helps. Just be confident you deserve a good girlfriend. Oh and I hate those cool wars they are SO STUPID I wont even go out with girls who get into the whole cool thing to far. after a while they just get stuck up. now I will answere the questions you had.


1.} I kind of already answered you come off as not being confident, i know it is hard but sometimes you just have to go up talk to a girl and just stand your ground on some things.


2.} If the girl likes you, you will more than likly know. But if you dont then she will probly have told you.


3.} Private schools specalize in knoledge not girls, either find a hang-out for girls your age or go to a normal school.


hope this helps.

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Women respond to those they find attractive,if they dont find you attractive there not gonna come up to you in the blue and strike up a conversation.,Kinda harsh but the quicker you realize that the better.Girls are very shallow,especialy at your age.Mr Virus is right in what he says about going up to them and chatting to them.Most girls are dumb and desparate...So if you go up to her and talk to her,make her laugh etc she will Probably like you.....Like he said,stand your ground..I mean afterall your a man,your better than she'll ever be .....dont be scared of them/her....cuz all they are is a piece of meat.....Stand tall,be confident and talk to those bitch's .....then come back and tell us how you did.

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Bud, I like your attitude - it seems to be my way or the highway for you.


Listen to this, you're 16? (I have not checked the date of your post, possibly 15).


You are just growing up, everyone is different and so are all the experiances - I looked long and hard for a girl - no success. Stopped looking hard, one came along. She dumped me so I am working on getting over her and enjoying my company and my friends.


The next... not right.. (possibly right) girl will come along, to met her do new things if you don't like or can't see your current friends.


Most importantly, girls like confidence so don't winge don't talk about bad shit to her! Don't be c_ocky, just be happy.


You don't want to grow up to quick dude, enjoy being young - I'm 20 and I have plenty of experiance so just soak it all up and you will be fine.

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