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Behind the...

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Behind the mask,

Behind the veil,

Secrets, pain, sorrow revealed


Appearances’ are

As what we see

Not really knowing, what’s behind the scene?


You say things are fine

As do I,

Covering the truth within a smile


Painted on for the world to see

Not know the struggle internally

Fortune, playing out cruel fate


My time in the light and love is over

Returned to who I was before you

Dark, brooding, everything at arm length


Turning into the mists of the future

Drowned in the shadows of the past

There can never be another you…


You brought out the best in me

When together, a tenderness that I thought had gone

Now there is only callous cold unfeeling stone


That is what the world see’s

Now no one can get to me



In the night when I miss you so

Longing for your touch, a smile…

Then the castle walls around my heart


Blow over like a house of cards…

Feelings and emotions turbulent and flaring

Leaving me scattered and disheveled…


Alone…with only my thoughts of you….

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