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My boyfriend is very career-oriented, almost to a fault. We are attending the same university. I want to work, but I value family and home very much. He wants a family, too, but has a ten year plan for his future, which includes saving up and preparing for a family first. My parents did this, they waited a while to marry and finally have their kids, so I see that it is beneficial and of course, the practical and intelligent thing to do.


His drive to make "good money" is admirable, but it just isn't as valuable to me as a happy and stable home. Am I stupid to be longing for a family of my own before having the resources and foundation for it? Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to just get pregnant or anything, and I'm planning to go into the big career world after graduation and likely apply for graduate school before I even marry, but I'm just stuck on domestic thoughts and daydreams.


Any advice?

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I am afraid I understand you, my dear. I think many 20 something females get to dreaming about having a few cherubs to love and mold into productive and good human beings. At least I do. Maybe we are the same person? Haha Just kidding....Anyway, you're not crazy, just a person with an active nurturing spirit who will make a great mom in time.



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