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weirdd mixed signals


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so after i talked to my crush and she said that shes nt interested in a arelationship at the moment i started to move on. but then ata party couple days ago we were sitting on the swing chairs and holding hands an my arm around her shoulders...at first i thought she was drunk as i am so we were just beinng dumb but she then told me the next day that she wasnt drunk and that she was aware of everytihng that was going on...and now im just confused. should i talk to her??cause shes been sending me a lto of other mixed signals too like just little things and all...

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Same thing has been happening to me my friend. I finally told her to stop toying with me, she's not into a long term relationship either.


In my experience, I thinks its better to walk away, otherwise you'll just keep getting hurt, because she doesn't want what you want.

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well the thing is her and i are liek best friends...and she keeps telling me stuff liek "if i were to go out wit anyone it would be you" and i kind of believe it because theres all the "pretty boy" grade 12 guys always hitting on her constantly but she keeps turning them down and hanging out with me instead. or she always tells me about how amazing i am at music and how much she trusts me and stuff. but then when we talked she says she would rather be friends. and i said ok and started to move on. then that whole thing with the cuddlnig thing happened. and she insists and will argue for ever bout how she remembers everything and she was awre of waht she was doing...a couple of her friends think i should talk to her but they dont know either way which it will go they say

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