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Need to make my gf feel special any ideas?


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hey guys


i am going out with my gf for like 3.5yrs and now i want to do something cute something nice for her that she will like it and i am out here to get some ideas from all the gr8 people in this forum


i want to something which is little different not the usual stuff that i can find when i look up on the google search


hope to get some good suggestions

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Why can't all men be like you?


Maybe you can make her something, like a bracelet? Or if you can't, maybe you can draw her a card? Or just write a letter? You can set up a picnic or ask her to watch the sunrise with you... It all depends on your age.


Sometimes things that don't cost a penny mean a lot more than those that do. Actually it's probably like this most of the time, unless your gf buys you stuff all the time and you never do.

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Why can't all men be like you?


Maybe you can make her something, like a bracelet? Or if you can't, maybe you can draw her a card? Or just write a letter? You can set up a picnic or ask her to watch the sunrise with you... It all depends on your age.


Sometimes things that don't cost a penny mean a lot more than those that do. Actually it's probably like this most of the time, unless your gf buys you stuff all the time and you never do.


first off all i m not that gr8 of a guy i sure there must be better guys outthere then i am


all i m tryin to do is to make her feel better and to let her know that even after being with her for long for me she is the only one

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three and a half years aye...yea you get to the point where you feel like you have done every gift idea possible after having to go through birthdays, valentines , anniversaries and Xmas haha


I've been with my guy for about the same time, and I know i really love it when we go out to spend some quiet time together as opposed to him buying me stuff...

I like the other suggestions like taking her out to dinner or better yet make it yourself ..a nice 3 course meal with you two all alone.. mood lighting, music and champagne or perhaps a weekend away together, in a nice quiet place, lazing around, watching sunsets ..walking on the beach.

I know that those two things would make me really happy...i think something like that would be more preffered than an "item" that you buy..unless it maybe has a special meaning?

oohh I know..PROPOSE hehe j/k --- only do that if you are serious!!!


link removed has some nice gift and romantic ideas... you should check it out.

Good luck

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oh no i am geek so peom and me we are not friends lol


i can write a program in c++ lol


roses are red

violets are blue

all my base

are belong to you


??? huh? huh?



I feel special when my boyfriend randomly shows up at my work

When he wakes me up in the middle of the night to tell me he loves me and that hes happy jsut to be with me

when he just wants the spend the entire weekend with me... no one else... just a weekend of dvds and sex and cuddling...


He bought me a hobart mixer... it was the most romantic gift I have ever received... something that I REALLY wanted, but couldnt justify spending the money on, and no one else would buy me becuase its such a huge, impracticle, stupid present


just think about her... what would she really want? would she want a day wandering around art galleries? walking in the park? what?

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... i was not thinking to buy her something coz i just bought her a channel bag like few weeks ago but i want to do something nice so that at the end of it she knows she is special"


You sound a bit like me, and its going to bite you in the butt. If every day is a sunny day, then what is a sunny day? Be mindful of the fact that everytime you do something nice, you'll have to top yourself later. If you are buying Chanel purses and spa packages, then I hope you have an infinite supply of money.


I think you should ease up on the special treatment, treat her like a regular person, or even stop putting in some effort for a week or two, and THEN surprise her. If you think that is mean or won't work, go ahead and ask me how I know.


... can't all men be like you?"


All men will be like him the day all women are like you -- the same day they realize that a gift doesn't have to cost a fortune to be special.


... he just wants the spend the entire weekend with me... no one else... just a weekend of dvds and sex and cuddling..."


Why can't my woman be like you.

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She likes to cook, right?

She probably likes good food too.

Go to a fancy restaurant and get a tasting menu. Find a good cookbook from a chef she admires and get a signed copy.


Go away for the weekend where you can be alone. Far away from phones, Tv's, computers, etc.

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... i dont have unlimited supply of money but it is just that i always keep putting some money aside so that if i come accross something nice for her then i can buy her that"


What does she do for you? Does she also put money aside for you? Does she sacrifice things for herself to make you happy?


Please please please don't fall into the classic sucker trap of "the more I do for her, the happier she'll be". It doesn't work! Its unsustainable. Sure, for a while you have a blissfully happy gf who appreciates you. Ultimately though, you'll exhaust your means, and be unable to continue. Then you've built up such an expectation that you'll fall short, and she'll be disappointed. You'll stretch even further to recover, but it won't work. Now everything is a disappointment and you have nothing left.


Please, I beg you! Cut back, do it gradually and lower her expectations a bit. She needs to appreciate what you already do, not hanker for more.

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She likes to cook, right?

She probably likes good food too.

Go to a fancy restaurant and get a tasting menu. Find a good cookbook from a chef she admires and get a signed copy.


Go away for the weekend where you can be alone. Far away from phones, Tv's, computers, etc.


man he family is really strict forget about getting away for a weekend i cant even take her to dinner without planning but i m working on it

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man he family is really strict forget about getting away for a weekend i cant even take her to dinner without planning but i m working on it


Oh, does this mean that she lives at home? In that case, your options may be limited, especially with a strict family, but the dinner offer should be ok with the family.

A book would probably be acceptable too.

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I think you should ease up on the special treatment, treat her like a regular person, or even stop putting in some effort for a week or two, and THEN surprise her. If you think that is mean or won't work, go ahead and ask me how I know.

I dont think you can apply that to all women... The cat-n-mouse game tires me out very quickly and I leave. It is mean... not saying is doesnt work with some women, but it is still cruel.

... can't all men be like you?"


All men will be like him the day all women are like you -- the same day they realize that a gift doesn't have to cost a fortune to be special.

I cant really disagree with this point... a lot of women are gold-diggers

... he just wants the spend the entire weekend with me... no one else... just a weekend of dvds and sex and cuddling..."


Why can't my woman be like you.

Because I wouldnt stand for your mind games, to be honest

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... I wouldnt stand for your mind games, to be honest"


If women treated men with respect, and gave them the sex they need, there'd be no NEED for mind games! If people could be fair and reasonable in relationships, there'd be no need for manipulation.


Not like I'm so transparent that you'd actually know you were being manipulated. Like I said, if you did your fair share, you wouldn't have to be. Besides, the good things you'd get as my gf would more than outweigh any effort you'd have to put in. Why do you think my gf stays?


Besides, I didn't mean to imply I wanted YOU specifically, I meant to say that all women should understand that a weekend of DVDs sex and cuddling can be special.


... cat-n-mouse game tires me out very quickly and I leave."


So when you stop getting and are expected to give, you leave? No wonder so many men ditch women after the honeymoon phase.


To the OP: Go ahead and lay down the red carpet again if you think that'll work. Just recognize that if you keep rolling it out, its going to become the status quo.

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