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Can your penis break when having sex?


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Just curious if your penis can break when having sex? Has this happen to any guys in here before? I was watching a tv show and a guy said he can't have sex for awhile because he broke his penis last time he had sex..I just can't imagine that happening..That would be so painfull!

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What do you mean by break? There are no bones in your penis so you cannot break it in that sense. It can certainly get damage (abrasions, bruising) from exuberant sex but I don't think you would classify that as broken.


It's a pretty resilient organ!

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This is embarrasing, but I have bent mine almost at a 20 degree angle (might not sound like a lot but its damn unnatural and hella painful) from rigerous sex. I'm not sure why it hurt so bad (i.e. if i burst a small blood vessel or soemthing) as u'd imagine it to be rather maleable, but as it was erect at the time it was throbbing (very very painful) and ended up being very bruised and was most definitely 'out of service' for 2 weeks.


So I guess although you can't 'break' it as there aren't any bones to be broken - there's other ways to 'break' it.

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From malehealth website:


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Can the penis break?


It can fracture if it bashes into an immovable object when erect. The most common cause is probably the woman’s pubic bone. It can be healed through surgery and splints.


Who are these guys they find from whom to collect their data?!?!?!?!?! And what kind of sex are they having and/or how drunk are they? I don't see how "bashing" one's penis coincides with something pleasurable...but whatever..."works" for you...I guess...


"It can be healed through surgery and splints"


This is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time...thanks for the laughs willow, I'm going to have to start incorporating such a situation into my advice around here now for more emphasis...


"Oh, your girlfriend lied to and cheated on you, got pregnant by the guy she cheated on you with, he dumped her, and now she says she loves you and wants to get back together with you? I'd rather bash my penis into her pelvic bone, break it, run accross rush hour traffic wearing Speedos and a penile splint for two months than respond to her..."



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I'm going to have to start incorporating such a situation into my advice around here now for more emphasis...


"Oh, your girlfriend lied to and cheated on you, got pregnant by the guy she cheated on you with, he dumped her, and now she says she loves you and wants to get back together with you? I'd rather bash my penis into her pelvic bone, break it, run accross rush hour traffic wearing Speedos and a penile splint for two months than respond to her..."


Now that is quite the colourful metaphor! My goodness! Can you imagine their thought process if they read this as your response Frisco??

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You cannot "break it" as there are no bones in there to break, but you can cause extensive & serious damage to it.


There are cases where someone gets a bit too vigorous, and the penis bends too much the wrong way, and causes severe pain and it can also cause swelling & scarring which may potentially cause difficulties in future (such as erectile dysfunction or it to be a bit "crooked" as it heals as the scar tissue pulls one side tighter, etc.).

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no it cant break, penises dont have a bone in it

You need to go back and re-read all the posts. Yes, it can, you can do serious damage to your penis if you're not careful.


No, it doesn't "break" like a bone, but you can damage the internal workings very severely.

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You need to go back and re-read all the posts. Yes, it can, you can do serious damage to your penis if you're not careful.


No, it doesn't "break" like a bone, but you can damage the internal workings very severely.


Man..you ain't whistling Dixie! I've had it happen once.....I didn't walk straight for nearly a week, and the pain lasted two weeks!

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You need to go back and re-read all the posts. Yes, it can, you can do serious damage to your penis if you're not careful.


No, it doesn't "break" like a bone, but you can damage the internal workings very severely.


thats what im talking about


im seeing "break" which im thinkin hes talking about breaking like an arm......

as which i said no, cz the penis dosent have a bone


im not familir with the other way it can"break" and i dont think i would like to inquire further info from it......aslong as masturbation cant "break" it then im good

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Some friends have told me of this happening to them. They get thrusting fast and hard, and accidentally pull all the way out on the upside of the thrust, and before they can stop themselves, they go to thrust inward again and smack perpendicular into her pelvic region. I've never broken mine, but I've severely bruised it (a lineman stepped on the goods with cleats during a football game) and yes, it does hurt like no other.

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One of my buddies dad's was telling me about a guy at his work who had his 'morning glory'. Anyhow this guy was lying in bed sort of sleep/awake when he rolls over and falls out of bed...smack on the floor aparently it was at almost 90 degress (ouch) and it swelled to the size of a small tree branch...let that be a warning to us all

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i just thought i'd add a reply here as we repaired a guy's fractured penis at work last night.

yeah. there are no bones in there, but the muscle tissue can 'fracture' or split.


the 'splints' usually consist of a petroleum jelly gauze layer and several layers of soft gauze held in place by a scrotal support (which are only available in XXL!)

as far as i'm away, this guy fractured his by trying to relieve his priapism (boner that won't go away).

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