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Can breast tenderness be a sure sign of...?


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Hello all. I was just curious as to what other signs I should be looking out for when one is expecting. I am approaching my period being due so I haven't missed that yet. However, there ARE a few things that I have begun to notice and it's got me thinking that just maybe I'm pregnant. These signs are my breasts being really tender. Generally this lasts about a week at the most but it's been almost 2 weeks now... along with the nipples being super tender. I also have noticed that my abdominal area has taken more of a pear shape to it instead of a flat board shape. I haven't gained any weight nor have my eating habits really changed though I have been craving ice cream for the last month.. .but that's probably because I have a sweet tooth. Are there any other signs that I should be looking out for??? Thanks for any advice.

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You really need to wait and see if you miss your period before starting to worry. Everything you listed are all normal things that come along with pregnancy, yes but also are PMS symptoms so I wouldnt be stressing out just yet. As for the pear shape in your belly, that could just be bloating from your period coming on. Some months PMS symptoms are worse/more there than other months. I say wait for your period to come and if its late test.

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You definitely wouldn't be showing this soon. And what you're feeling right now are common PMS symptoms. They can be pregnancy symptoms, too, but since you're not even late yet, it's too soon to say if it's the latter.


I'd recommend taking a pregnancy test if you become two weeks overdue.

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Hi there. I recall you had pregnancy a scare back in April as well


I hope I don't seem too nosey, but what have you used for protection since then? Are you still off the pill, and if so, does your boyfriend now know about it?


The symptoms you describe could easily be PMS. But I agree with the others that you should take a test ASAP if your period ends up being late.



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Well, after talking things over with him, he wanted me to stay off the pill as we have decided to try to have a baby. So now it's not a scare issue... it's a "could this be really it?!" thought because I don't know what all to expect at the beginning and I haven't had any of the signs I spoke of that were this evident. Thus, why I asked. But thanks for your concern.

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Well, after talking things over with him, he wanted me to stay off the pill as we have decided to try to have a baby.


That's great news!!!! Congrats on making this important decision. In that case I will be crossing my fingers hoping you are pregnant then.

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