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Good thing or bad thing at work? Asking a girl out?


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I work at a retail store and there aren't alot of girls that come in but once in awhile there will be a few girls who are cute and seem outgoing, that I help with answering questions they have or help them find what they need..I have always wanted to ask a few out but not sure if I should or not..Is it a good thing or bad thing to ask a customer out? I want to start dating now and once in awhile girls come in the store and thinking possibly that I might miss an opprunity of finding a gf, if I don't react and ask her out. What would you do?

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Make a move man, opportunity is mostly timing, go for it when you can! How else will you know?!


Go for it, but be sure you'll get a postitive reaction and keep it on the downlow from your managers.

Yeah ... go for it ... better with customers than with coworkers ... but be SURE they are flirting back, or you will become a known name in the complaint department!!!

Oh, haha... Wow, thats funny to me. I know that half the staff is dating and that the senior managers don't know that. I also asked a girl out and got turned down. Now it gets better, I am up for a promotion to manager! haha Good reason to keep everyone on the down-low not just the managers.

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Involve your co-workers (depending on their tastes and lifestyles, obviously) in trying to have some fun with the customers. This will seriously drive up all employees motivation and increase your own charisma among them.

Guys always follow other guys who help them "get girls"...


Warning: be honest, don't cheat, play fair!

Or you'll cause the exact opposite effect!

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Well, I am going to have to go against the majority here and advise you not to do that. Mixing business with pleasure is a major gamble. IF things go sour, the consequences to your career can be very unpleasant. Professional life and personal life are 2 things I keep very separate.


That being said, if you feel that the benefit is worth the risk, then go for it.

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Well, I am going to have to go against the majority here and advise you not to do that. Mixing business with pleasure is a major gamble. IF things go sour, the consequences to your career can be very unpleasant. Professional life and personal life are 2 things I keep very separate.


That being said, if you feel that the benefit is worth the risk, then go for it.


I agree with your post. Flirting with women is pretty risky at work. At a bar or nightclub, you can be pretty aggressive as your goal is get the woman. If you fail, you will probably not see that woman ever again in your life. But at a workplace, you have to be pretty mindful of the office's sexual harassment policy. The OP has to use his best judgement to decide whether it's a good idea to pursue a coworker. In some workplaces(especially in Europe), people hook up with their coworkers all the time. But in other places(especially the litigious United States), people are pretty sensitive about sexual harassment. One of my friends, who works at a major groecery store chain, got in trouble for flirting with a coworker. On the other hand, one of my other friends dates his coworkers all the time. The difference being is that the guy who dates his coworkers all the time has a lot more experience with women than the guy who works at the grocery store chain.

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At my store, the managers never complained about the guys hitting on the female customers. It always meant bigger sales!


But seriously. I don't think it's wrong to ask out a customer, as long as you're respectful and cautious. Don't be all greasy and come on too strong. I mean they did come into the store to shop, don't make them feel uncomfortable about coming back if they're not interested in you.

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As long as you are mature enough to retain a proper relationship during business hours, then go for it!


Just be aware, some businesses actually have no-dating policies that the employees HAVE to follow. But thats usually in the really big businesses.

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I work at a retail store and there aren't alot of girls that come in but once in awhile there will be a few girls who are cute and seem outgoing, that I help with answering questions they have or help them find what they need..I have always wanted to ask a few out but not sure if I should or not..Is it a good thing or bad thing to ask a customer out? I want to start dating now and once in awhile girls come in the store and thinking possibly that I might miss an opprunity of finding a gf, if I don't react and ask her out. What would you do?

I would say "go for it!" I mean, what do you have to lose? The worst thing that might happen is that she would say "no" or even "I'm seeing someone." She is a customer, so you might not even see her again if she chooses to avoid the store after turning you down.


I would just take a chance, especially if you say you are ready for dating. I know how mean about that. It was only recently when I was ready to actually start dating, and it has not been such a great success for me until recently.


So, take the risk! Go for it! I am here cheering you on!!!

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He's going after the customers not coworkers.


That is an even bigger risk. an upset customer is much worse then an upset coworker. Especially in retail, when a customer has a bad experience they tell people. And those people tell other people.


I believe it is called "biting the hand that feeds you."

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I work at a retail store and there aren't alot of girls that come in but once in awhile there will be a few girls who are cute and seem outgoing, that I help with answering questions they have or help them find what they need..I have always wanted to ask a few out but not sure if I should or not..Is it a good thing or bad thing to ask a customer out? I want to start dating now and once in awhile girls come in the store and thinking possibly that I might miss an opprunity of finding a gf, if I don't react and ask her out. What would you do?



if you gonna do that, flirt with them while you answering there questions.....and no flirting isent hard this one girl was asking where the bathroom is and i was messin with her sayin could she hold it and laffin at her.....she was laffin too.....lol goooood times, goooodd times


her: can you help me with this

you: smile (lil jon voice) YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH whats up smile again

her: lol....umm do you have these pants in another size

you: what size you looking for..........

her: ohhh a size larger

you: yeah i think we should have that im finna check

her: ohhh i like these, what do you think

you: i think they look fine, you know u got tha model look to you and whatnot....

her u funny....noooooo im no model

you: ishhhhhh if i was recording a video i'd make sure u was in the middle

her: covers her mouth (hehehhehehehheheheheh)

you: i mean its true.....sooooo is there anything else i can help u with

her: nooo i dont think so, this is fine



**** only ask her for her number or on a date if the oppourtunity presents itself, if it dosent ring her butt up and tell her have a nice day, ****

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I made a mistake overlooking the fact that the OP wants to flirt with customers rather than coworkers. Again, I think it is a bad idea. Only one complaint from a customer can get you in hot water with your employer. If the OP was a Don Juan or casanova, than he should be discreet enough to hit on customers without worrying about getting in trouble. But a guy who is still learning how to flirt and attract women is bound to offend women at one point or another.

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