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feeling lost and very alone


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I just had to write this to get it off my chest. I've been feeling really down today about this guy I had interest in and thought he had interest in me (for reasons I won't bore you with). It bothers me on and off and fortunately my life is busy so I usually don't have time to dwell. But every once in awhile I get time and it starts bothering me a lot. It's been 2 months since I have seen him (we were not dating) and yet I can't seem to get past it and just forget about him. When I think about him and/or the entire situation I get really upset, I cry, and I start getting down on myself. I'm starting to feel like I'm just not meant to be with anyone. I've been single for two years and not one guy has showed any legitimate interest in me at all. I don't know whats going on with me or how to move past this. If anyone has any advice Id appreciate it. All I ask is that nobody suggests to just stop thinking about it because that is easier said than done.

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Hey there mysterygirl.

Don't worry, i'm not gonna throw you the old cliche's like "there are plenty of fish in the sea" or "when one door closes, another one opens". I'm not that unoriginal.

However I can only tell you that your not alone in this department. But to put these ideas into your head is your own fault, you need to get out into the social and "available" world, meeting new people and expereincing new things will eventually make you realize that this is a thought not worth dwelling on. You need to prove to yourself that you can and will be with someone else who will appreciate you for everything you are, and everything you will become.

Of course, like you said, it's alot easier said than done. But I along with most people in this forum, (probably all people) have gone through and overcame the same situation. Trust me, get out into a new setting, enjoy yourself and you will meet the right person.

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I feel just the same as you mystery gal....I'm in your shoes...it's hard without a doubt. keep trying to meet new people, go out explore all avenues & as they say someday you will get lucky. I'm trying very hard to stay positive myself but I break down a lot & then feel miserable. Just get BUsY and remember we r all sailing in the same boat....No easy answers & no easy solutions. Just have to deal with it.....

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Your post almost made me cry. I'm in the exact same situation. It's just so lonely. I really don't know what to say. We just got to keep waiting I guess. I truly believe that things do happen for a reason. Maybe one day we will meet that special someone and we will think back to this lonely time. I guess it will make us appreciate it more? Who knows. Hang in there buddy. That's all you can really do.

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I feel both of you on the pain of feeling alone.


But I have to agree with the person who said that you need to get out into the social world and get tomeeting new people.


Just give it a little longer, when things are meant to happen they will!

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  • 2 weeks later...

girl dont feel bad ive been single for six years (im 25). I get hit on all the time but nothing ever turns into anything making me feel like there is something incredibly wrong with me which becomes overwhelmingly depressing. I date and have had short term things but nothing special. The dating scene is tough. Some people get lucky - some dont- sometimes we have dry spells, and when it rains it pours. I think good advice for all of us is to find something we are passionate about- like photography, music etc so we arent so focused on why we are single.

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Another club member here.


I don't really enjoy being single and long for someone to love. I certainly didn't further my chances by getting involved in the wrong relationship for 3 years. I recently found out that this guy is now expecting as baby and it has thrown me into a bit of a panic.


As long as I had some sort of involvement with him I didn't feel truly alone, I felt I had hope. I didn't though and, painful though it is, I'm glad to have pinpointed where I had been going wrong for so long. Hopefully this can mark the beginning of a new era.


Now that I feel I'm starting from scratch, maybe I can do things differently if I am given the opportunity to love again and I dearly hope this will happen.


Difficult as it is to motivate myself to get out there and get involved in life and be present without daydreaming, I'm praying for the strength I need to turn myself around and I hope that we all can find the love we are looking for.


It certainly helps to know that I'm not alone in this situation. We do however need some success stories to restore our faith.


Hugs to you all

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