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Everything posted by mysterygirrl77

  1. How can you tell the difference between when a guy is flirting with you or just being friendly? I've been out of the loop for awhile so I need help.
  2. If a guy is shy, what ways would he show he likes a woman?
  3. Sometimes I think this guy likes me and other times I think he's just being polite. The situation we see each other in is more of a business type, my son attends his daycare. We don't see each other outside of that so the opportunity to get to know each other and figure out what he's feeling isn't there. Also, a daycare is not the appropriate place to flirt or just get to know each other cause he has a job and a responsibility to the kids. I have some reasons why I sometimes think he likes me, but I want input from others of what the signs would be if he did like me but was being subtle because of the situation I mentioned above. Please Help!
  4. Arms crossed, not really making eye contact, I don't talk to him alot but thats because I get really nervous and when I do talk it's really quiet, I smile but only when smiled at, stuff like that.
  5. I have posted other threads about this situation, but i have another question. I like this guy that I think or thought was interested in me too. This has been going on for about 5 months. I have read all those silly articles on how to tell he likes you and reading body language. But I also read about signs and body language of a woman. It appears as though I've been giving the "I'm not interested signs" and I can't figure out why. I really like this guy and want him to notice me, why would I be sending him negative signals?
  6. I've posted a few threads about this situation with this guy I like and thought had interest in me, so if you want details you need to refer to them. But Friday was my last day to seem him; at least for awhile. My sister spoke with him today about her son and he didn't ask about me or my son, and spoke extensively with my sister about her job; which he has never done before. For a few months I got vibes and signs that this guy was interest but there has been a lot of back and forth going on in my head. What is up with this conversation with my sister?
  7. I had to pick up my nephew from the daycare early today because he was sick. When I was in the infant room he started asking if this was my son's last day - even though I told him that this morning - and referred to me by my sisters name. I called him on it and he asked "what did say" and when I told him he apoligized but seemed to find it funny because he kept smiling. He said he was just on the phone with her and got messed up - which he had been. Then I went to take my nephews things and he asked me if I wanted him to carry them up front for me. He seemed to linger awhile around the cubby and of course I said nothing to him. Then he said I'll talk to you later. And of course again I said bye....Quietly - like an idiot wrapped in a moron. Well, I went back to pick up my son and he wasn't there. He was out running errands. At that point I just figured he's not interested. I pick my son up at the same time every day. So he knows when I'll be there - and he didn't make it a point to even be there and say bye to my son. The only problem I have now is why was I getting the feeling he was interested? I could see if I was just obsessive and a stalker; but I noticed him because of what seemed like him noticing me. It was like 2 months after my son started there that I really noticed him.
  8. rejection, being laughed at, you name it. I wasn't like this as a teenager. In fact I made the first move w/ my kids father. But the signs of interest were so much more loud and clear and gave me the go ahead.
  9. I know he's not married,b ut other than that I'm not sure - which is also part of problem I have with asking him. It seems like he has given signs of interest to me but I'm not sure if thats in fact what they are. It's been awhile and I'm not sure what to look for as far as signs go.
  10. I'm terrified at even the mere thought of it. I know that sounds pathetic because I'm an adult.
  11. he doesn't have kids - although that would be a great suggestion. He owns the daycare with his sister.
  12. Then why hasn't he done anything yet? I'm picking my son up in 1 hour. Should I assume I was imagining things if he doesn't do or say anything?
  13. I like this guy at my son's daycare, and as I have explained in other threads I'm not sure if he's interested in me back. I have gotten signs and etc.. I have to take my son out of the daycare because of financial difficulties and informed this guy this morning that this would be my son's last day. I figured this would be the true test of whether or not he's interested but then again this whole situation has been confusing. If he is truly interested in me, would he or wouldn't he make a move now, especially because after today we won't see each other anymore?
  14. I'm like that too. I know I like him yet I have days where I know I'm distant. I don't get to spend a lot of time with this guy to be able to really read him. I posted a thread in Finding love/soulmate called signs,signs,signs!!! where there's more of some of what he does that has me a little confused.
  15. Today I went to pick up my son and nephew, and I usually have a ton of stuff in my hands leaving my nephews room. Today, while I was waiting for him to give me my nephews stuff, he said "oh I'll bring this to the front for you" he walked with me to the cubby, put the stuff down, and said have a good night and see you later. Thats the kinda thing where Normally it seems like nothing but with the other things he seems to do and say, I'm not sure. Some days he seems obvious with his flirting ( if he is flirting ) and other days it seems more subtle - like I have to think in my head whether or not he was flirting.
  16. when I was younger it seemed like flirting was so cut and dry - I just knew if someone liked me.Now that I'm an adult, I'm more confused than ever. I haven't reallly been in the dating scene for about 8 uears but is there that much of a difference in flirting as an adult from when you were a teenager? If a guy is interested will he gives signs on some days and not on others or would he be consistant?
  17. I asked the guy at my sons daycare ( he's one of the owners/teachers ) if my son could go an extra day that week - this was near Christmas. He said yes and then I asked him to let me know what the extra cost would be. After one complete day - which should have been enough time for him to figure it out - he said he didn't have time to figure it out so not to worry about it and to consider it a Christmas gift from him. I got to be honest with you - it's not rocket science. I pay $90.00 for 3 days and my sister pays $150.00 for 5 days; so it's about $30.00/ day. The reason I ask if it's lack of consideration is because I had to ask for the same thing again this week and his sister who is also owner/teacher, said oh sure just add $30.00 to whatever your payment is normally. It didn't take her a whole day to figure it out. Is he just inconsiderate?
  18. There's this guy I really like and whenever he looks at me or is talking to me -I know I should make significant eye contact with him - but I get so nervous that I end up scanning the room or looking at the floor. I know the reason I do this is because 1. I don't know if he is interested in me and I don't want him to think I'm a freak. 2. If I look at him while he's looking and talking with me, I feel like he's looking at my face and scanning all my flaws.
  19. If you ask someone for a favor and they say they're going to take care of it, and then they say they forgot or were too busy, is it possible they were too busy or do they have no consideration for you?](*,)
  20. Being that I only see him at the daycare - which is his job - we don't get a lot of time to just talk. He does initiate conversations with me - I guess when he's able to. He had to cover for my son's teacher on thursday and I always pick up my son and my nephew - I also had my oldest with me ( he's 8 ). While I was getting my nephew he was asking my oldest if he had other bros and sis - which he knows he don't. He asked if he had cousins and how our Valentines was. Then when I came into his room to get my son, he started telling me how good my son was and how helpful he was. Then he starts telling me about the projects they had done, and then stood next to me to show me my son's work. My son's other teacher rarely ever shows me the work, she just puts it in his bag and lets me know it's there. When he was done with that, he says how lucky my sister is to have me. But he wasn't looking at me when he said it. He was writing in a notebook. My son didn't want to leave, so he asked me if i wanted to stay while they finished snack. As far as asking, it's mainly to my son - but thats limited because he's a child. I don't think he's ever used we....He does however call me mama( ex. see you later mama ). I find that confusing. I'm not sure if I should be offended or what. He calls all the other moms by their first names. And yes he does know my name - I have heard him say it.
  21. ok I understand what your saying....well I guess I have to move on. I don't have time in my life for games or drama queens. Thanx for you help.
  22. Somedays I am sure he's interested and other days I think I'm just imagining it. I only see him at the daycare - which is his job - and he never asks me what I'm doing over the weekend or inquires of my situation r hints about his - I know he's not married. I've read that if you feel it, then more than likely it's true. Do you believe that?
  23. There is this guy at my son's daycare. He's one the owners/teachers. I'm not sure if he's seeing anyone or not. I do know he's not married. I started noticing him when it appeared he was noticing me - looking at me, smiling, etc.. I could go into details but it would take to long and unless your there, it's difficult to explain certain situations. What I would like is for someone to tell me what the signs would be if he were interested. If you need examples of signs I think he's giving, I'd be more that happy to give a few. But I want to see if what I'm getting is what others suggest.
  24. I never used to be shy and I still don't really consider myself to be a shy person. I guess with this guy I'm just not sure if he is interested; then I have trouble figuring out why he would have interest.
  25. Is it normal for a guy to not flirt a lot at work, in front of coworkers, his parents, other mothers ( he owns/teaches at ny son's daycare ), etc. ? Sometimes he seems to be obvious and other times he seems to be quiet, just looking at me quickly.
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