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Everything posted by Christian

  1. whats up...i actually went through something similar last summer in 03 from personal experience....there is nothing you can do...LET IT GO RIGHT NOW...this is a growing experience for you both and you'll come out of it a better person you can't force her to like you at this point so its better to just drop it completely...do you really want to hear her talk about how she met some guys at a party anyway?...thats the reality of the situation...shes going out and she's meeting people...do the same if she misses you eventually...she'll call you...shes not the end of the world man....try and be more cool and aloof about the situation when you go up...but no so much as it seems like you're completely ignoring her...she has to recognize that you're not completely clinging to her
  2. agreed lucky...the problem is that otherwise im a happy person...its just that I have no guidelines to remedy this situation...if there was I would be following that right now...it feels like its just something that is...if that makes any sense
  3. Hi guys...Im a 21 year old guy and I guess you could say Im going through an ugly duckling phase until about sophmore year in high school i was a scrawny kid with glasses, braces and without any sense of style since then ive got contacts, lost the braces, got a very nice body and certainly have developed some sort of sense of style...i guess at this point i would fit the typical metrosexual stereotype the problem is i still have absolutely no confidence in myself when it comes to the ladies...and its mostly because ive never had great conversational skills...clearly because of the lack of experience...at school and at clubs i have girls coming up to me...but i freakin shutdown all the time because i have no idea what to say?...when its a face ive seen already it'll be totally different...but when its a cold conversation on the spot i have soooo much trouble its almost funny...and these are girls that i would LOVE to get to know...9's and 10's but I always shutdown and I hate myself because of it...it seems like i drag myself further down with every failure any help is appreciated
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