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Everything posted by smackie9

  1. IMO it's not just like old times again...I think you are seeing things that really weren't there. She's just glad to hang out with you and get some ego boosting attention. Time to grow up and grow out of this crush.
  2. If you expect money, you need to be totally hot. A smile and pocket of wet pennies won't get you much.
  3. Your relationship is soulless. If you stay, emotionally it will kill you, leaving you empty, and very hungry for emotional connection. Stop robbing yourself of this need and dump him.
  4. Here's the thing....if you two were texting pretty steady before you met, then keep it consistent, don't change your behavior. Many threads over the years here, on how after the first date the texting died down and they are left wondering if the interest has waned too. All in a panic if the second date was going to happen or not.
  5. When someone doesn't text you for days, is a person that isn't all that into you. Stop chasing, and stay broken up. like I always say, date those who treat you the way you want to be treated. You know you are better than this.
  6. Letting go of a friendship can be hard. You did bond at one time...but as time wore on Kevin started to become something else. Whatever the reason, or mental disorder, there is nothing you can do about it. We all can out grow friends. I myself have moved on from social circles because they changed or I changed good or bad. It sounds like remov
  7. Because I'm telling you to stop blaming yourself. Remember it isn't always about you. It's all about perception. If you have confidence in yourself, this wouldn't be eating you up. You didn't fail.
  8. She doesn't want to date you. Whatever the reason, it's done. I don't think it had anything to do with you...something is or was going on with her life, like an ex bf or someone that she was really interested in messed her up. You just might have been a welcomed distraction way back. Anywho, no mean no. Just move on.
  9. Don't sweat it. Like any 14 year old boy, they act stupid around girls they like. He's probably a little nervous about asking you. He is giving your friends his contact info to get closer to you. Give it time. How to play it? Be chill. Be up beat and fun. If you are warm with smiles, that's what plays in your favor.
  10. It's not the dating apps fault, it's not the women. Get a dating coach. They will be blunt with you in what you need to do to turn things around.
  11. Block/delete, stay off social media. Her family/friends know her issues. They will step in. IMO all she is doing is using her mental illness to manipulate you into feeling guilt. There is where the toxicity lies right?
  12. I think she just had enough, because she realized she can get 100% of what she needs out of this relationship. I think a close friend talked some sense into her. It was for the best.
  13. Is she in school? I would suggest she seek out a counselor. As for the day to day stuff, why not divert her attention by playing a game together, or listen to fun music, talk about fun stuff, make her laugh. I get it...talking it out is good, but moving onto other things, or putting it aside temporarily is therapeutic too.
  14. He's not very flex able....next! When you have a guy that throws in that comment about having something else in mind....he's already being resentful. A great guy would just be agreeable like "OK sounds good! Looking forward to meeting you :)"
  15. You are an adult at 24. legally, you can do whatever you want....like date whomever you want.
  16. I just think your family are being a little over protective is all. Bottom line, they don't want you getting pregnant adding more issues to your situation. Keep it a secret if you wish, until you get yourself out from under their roof and be independent.
  17. Sounds like you posted on another site...that your partner has done this sort of thing before...now he's fallen off the wagon once again. He's running away from his issues....was there a death in the family too? Oh ya he was such a sweet guy...when he wasn't a raging alcoholic. The advice is going to be the same. You are best to divorce him and move on. Some people can do sobriety, some can't. You can't make him quit. Only he can make that decision. Not worth putting yourself and family through this anymore.
  18. Everyone accepts different things. If it's a healthy friendship with proper boundaries I think it would be OK. You on the other hand are going through some mental strain over this. For some people this would be a deal breaker. I suggest ending the relationship. Sounds like it's not going well anyways. Your energy is better spent punting him to the curb. He's just not worth it.
  19. I say party girl. She's less maintenance. You can do whatever you want and there is no commitment so your options are always open. You have sex, then she leaves and expects nothing...it's a win.
  20. So she put it out there she's interested....doesn't matter what anyone thinks, it's about how you feel. Doesn't feel right? Then just decline or skirt around it and just congratulate her on her finding a new job....then leave it. Me personally wouldn't date any of my exes friends. I totally get it, you have removed yourself from that scene 10 years ago, and don't want to revisit that.
  21. That is what abusers do...they prey on the emotionally vulnerable. Usually find someone that has low self esteem or had a bad life or at a low point in their life. They start out as the protector. Then slowly deny you access to friends and family, filling your head with lies. You become too invested, and that's when it really starts. You want to do right by them, make them happy and stop the abuse so you are willing to do anything. It becomes a viscous cycle that's hard to get out of. They gaslight you making you doubt yourself, make you think you are the crazy one. It's horrible. The tricky part is staying out of it for good. You are only a week out and still very vulnerable. They usually reach out, say they miss you, apologize, promise they will be good etc. It's gonna be a challenge. Stay strong. Make sure he cannot contact you/see you or know what you do. Might be a good idea to shut down your social media for awhile.
  22. He never really cared about you. He has always put himself first. You have known this since the beginning so why keep going back? This isn't about BF/GF, this is about his character. A decent man would have made sure you got home safe. Your BF/ex was on the hunt to get laid because he saw opportunity in one of those girls. Abuse or not, your bf /ex is a jerk. You my dear need to locate your self esteem and self worth. You need to know you deserve better.
  23. Further the conversation. Find out if it was just an experiential one time thing out of curiosity, or a type of lifestyle she's into. Better to find out now rather that be too invested and having more hurt having to stop seeing her. I say this because you have a strong stance against it. You are not going to "get over this" anytime soon or you wouldn't be here.
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