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  1. I don't know you or your girlfriend but I can think of two scenarios. 1) maybe she cheated on you. 2) She enjoyed some free time. In either circumstance I would give her some time to cool off and let her be the first to open up the lines cummunication.
  2. j_hol

    What to do

    Put yourself out there and just try to find someone that you're compatable with
  3. Hi, I've been in the same situation and I just have to say that you need to evaluate how she saw you before you started having these feelings. If she just wanted a friend you will scare her away but if you have to know you have to know. Good luck.
  4. Okay, to anyone who cares, I had this friend and we were becoming really good friends and I was not attracted to her and she became attracted to me. Upon finding out I approached with the "I'll give it a shot" opinion. We began something small and she was way more into it than I expected, so I backed out. Then, a few weeks later, I felt like a complete idiot because here is this gret girl that I'm already friends with that is truly interested in me and enjoys the same things as me. So I tried again with her and was successful until I blew it again for self-esteem issues. Now after seriously messing with this girl we have rebuilt our friendship and I think there are romantic feelings growing once again. My question to you is, should I pursue this or be gratefull for our friendship and wait for her move(it is unlikely that she make a move) Other inf: 1) I'm am not good with girls 2) I am really hung up on this girl
  5. I re-read my entry and I may have mislead 1) I'm am not good with girls 2) I am really hung up on this girl
  6. I'd just say to keep her at a human level in your mind, that way she's not so frightening and no is the worst you'll ever hear. I suffer from the same frame of mind and I think we all have to stop weighing the risks sometimes and just go for it, we'd all be better off
  7. At the movies place your hand palm-up on the mutual armrest, this may seem strange to her she will look at you. Make eye contact and get a good read. If this fails just be phisically playful like any other buddy, sounds dumb but it works
  8. Okay, to anyone who cares, I had this friend and we were becoming really good friends and I was not attracted to her and she became attracted to me. Upon finding out I approached with the "I'll give it a shot" opinion. We began something small and she was way more into it than I expected, so I backed out. Then, a few weeks later, I felt like a complete idiot because here is this gret girl that I'm already friends with that is truly interested in me and enjoys the same things as me. So I tried again with her and was successful until I blew it again for self-esteem issues. Now after seriously messing with this girl we have rebuilt our friendship and I think there are romantic feelings growing once again. My question to you is, should I pursue this or be gratefull for our friendship and wait for her move(it is unlikely that she make a move)?
  9. Okay you've teased that was fun now work it out and make sure eachother are on the same page, then go back to flirting. You need to tell this guy that you are for real or he'll call you a tease and back off. Just a guy's opinion, take it if you wish
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