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  1. Thanks to those of you who have replied. I posted almost two weeks ago about this and it's still too early to take a pregnancy test. I am really hoping that I have nothing to worry about, but I realize there is still a chance. I do have a question for SunnyScott...You got pregnant the same way, but was it near the end or during your period? Or was it during your ovulation period? I"m trying to weigh my odds because I'm still a little worried about being pregnant. I guess I would really like someone to just tell me that there's no way Im pregnant, but I know that is not going to happen. I'm rambling, but I'm trying to make myself feel better. My fiance is totally supportive of whatever the outcome. I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful Christian man who loves me unconditionally. But anyway, thank you all! I really appreciate it.
  2. You're right, but I think calling what we did "DUMB" was a little heartless. I appreciate what you are saying, but let me explain a few things. We were both virgins. STD's are not a concern. We've been dating for 7 years (we were freshmen in high school) and made the decision to save ourselves until marriage. Last night was a mistake because we got caught up in the moment and things went too far and that is why he pulled out and we stopped. We are engaged to be married in 5 months so it was an act of love not stupidity. However, there is a risk involved in what we did and I was hoping to get some valid opinions about the subject. Maybe I should have clarified to avoid people jumping to some conclusions. I looked into the morning after pill, but to me that is a form of abortion and I don't believe in abortion. So I guess I'm just going to conclude that if I am pregnant this it was meant to be and it was a gift from God. The guilt we both feel about last night is only because we know that we went against what we believe in, but if a child results in all of this then at least I know it will have a home where it is loved.
  3. I think it's very respectable that you and this girl didn't do anything. It's good to hear that you see her as something more than a possible one night stand also. I think you should trust your instincts. Don't wait too long to call because if she thought that night was as special as you did then I"m sure she's just waiting for your call. My guess is that she'd love to hear that you had a great time and that you can't stop thinking about her. Honesty always works best. Maybe ask her out for coffee or go some place you can talk and get to know one another better. Who knows, maybe that will lead to going out for drinks later, but just let things happen. Too much planning can set you up for disappointment. If you really like this girl and it is meant to happen, it will. Trust fate. It won't steer you wrong.
  4. My boyfriend and I had sex yesterday for the first time. It was during the last day of my period and he pulled out before he ejaculated. I understand the risk of pre-cum and pulling out. How strong are the chances that I could be pregnant? An online ovulation calculator said that I shouldn't be ovulating for another 9 days or so. Am I just being paranoid about all of this? It seems like the chances are so slim that I could become pregnant. What do you think?
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