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Everything posted by JamesZero

  1. Thanks Mate, You really are making things easyer for me! and I really do appreciate that! At the end of the day I do want her back more than anything in the world... But at the same time, she is not only the love of my life but she is my best friend... I have mates I have known since I was 4 years old, and I have only know her for 3 years, and I feel closer to her than anyone... i know she feels the same way about me, she has told me that she has never felt as close to me as anyone else in her life... So i do hope that even if we dont get back together, that we can still be friends! I know that will be hard, and it will take time, and it will never be the same friendship we had before... but I hope it in time things will work themselves out! I will see how today goes, and I will let you know! Thanks again mate!
  2. Thanks for all your help guys... But i have now offically blown it I hate myself for doing it, but its all down to my weak will power! basically, she phoned me 2nite, and we were talking... now earlyer on today I found at her new b/f had just gone on holiday... Out of the blue and I know its wrong and I dont know why I said it! but i said well we r both on our own tonite, fancy getting out a DVD... She said I dont think its a good idea... and even more stupidly I challenged it and said its better than us both being on our own! So she said yes... I got all excited, and then 15 mins later she phoned me and said actually i dont think its a good idea... and i broke down and got all defencive, saying i dont know why your being like this! it dont mean anything! etc etc She then got annoyed with me, I said sorry and then we ended the phone call. Im so so so so stupid, I have totally blown it. I have just now lost the one person I loved more than anything else in the whole world and there is nothing i can do to get her back! Im going round there 2morrow, for the final time, im going to tell her that we cant be friends any more cos I cant take it and this will be the last time i ever talk to her. I have lost the love of my life and my best friend all in one
  3. I know what you say is true.... If it wasnt vallentines day the I probably would have said im busy... But when your ex who is supposed to be seeing someone else, and they ask you to go round theres on vallentines day... I suppose I just got my hopes up a bit, that asking me round to do the TV thing might have just been an excuse... she might have had other intentions!
  4. ok I was partly weak... and partly not... She phoned me today (vallentines day) and said im board... is there any chance you can do it now? I was weak and said yes (which i shouldnt have!)... but there was just something inside me that said "Its vallentines day, she is obviously not with her new man and she is asking YOU round... how can you say no?" But anyway I went round there... did it, had a drink and left stright away... I didnt make it seem like I was rushing, but i told her I was going out 2nite and had to go home to get ready! Now I have that out the way... im going to contine with the no contact, unless she phones me! It will be hard... but "might" be worth it in the long run!
  5. Well.... I have decided to go on sunday, i think she needs to see that I can still be a reliable person... towards the end of the relationship i do admit i did become a bit unreliable, and thats what one of the problems was... I am 100% sure i can be strong on sunday and not say anything and not be affected... the only thing that will be hard is that about a year before we started going out we were best of friends! We get on so so well and always have such a laugh with her! So the hard thing will be trying to leave asap, cos once we get started on chatting,.. we dont stop! lol I dont want to seem rude about it???
  6. Thanks for all your help guys.... Im still not 100% sure what to do on sunday... if i dont do it, she will only try to arrange another time, and I can put it off forever!
  7. I do See your Point, I will try my best with the no contact, i know its hard but what your saying is true... the thing is we have agreed just to be friends, should I tell her that I dont want that at the moment, otherwise she will ring me now and then to do things, and that will break the no contact
  8. I read that... but the thing is this situation is different... One, im not seeing anyone at the moment, I am still single... The second thing is that im worryied with her seeing this new person... because a) about 3 years ago they were seeing each other... nothing much came of it b) he has trying to get her back all this time even though she has been with me... and now that we broke up she said she wants to give things a ago with him! Does this sound like she is really going to give it a ago with him and I dont stand a chance... I know she still has feelings for me... she told me that, but also said she just wants to be friends!
  9. Right I have posted a couple of times here... basic my girlfriend who I still love very much, dumped me a few weeks ago, and I went though the whole begging her to give me another chance, and then I did the no contact... Anyway the other day she called me and asked if I could come round and help her set up her new TV and DVD player... So i said yes, went and did it, and Im going round there on sunday to help her with something else too... Now a couple of days after we split up she started seeing someone else, I thought this was just off the re bound... But tonite she said she was going out with a couple of her friends, about 20 mins ago she txt me asking if my mum was going out 2nite... (my mum sometimes goes to the place she is going 2nite) The only reson she would have txt me that that I can think of is that she didnt want my mum to see her out with her new man! So she lied to me about who she was going out with! That and I txt her back (not thinking about it) saying no my mum is at home, whys that? and she didnt txt me back... as in i know what i needed to.. so i wont bother with you anymore.. I want her back so so much! Does it sound like im just wasting my time? and that this new bf could be taking off? Also should I confront her on sunday about the txting 2nite or should i just drop it? Thanks
  10. I agree with you... My girlfriend of 2 years, dumped me last sunday. It wasnt till she did it that i realsed how much I really love her, and I know exactly where things went wrong... I have tried to get her to give me another chance, but she said she justs to be friends... Its killing me, and all I can think about is, what if i had done this or done that, we would still be together... But what you have to realise is that, you cant keep beating yourself up over it, there is no point in having regrets, it will just make you hurt more! All you have to do is conidser it as experience, and next time you have a relationship with someone, remember your mistakes, and dont make them again! Hope this helps James
  11. She Broke up with me Cos she thought I was neglecting her... So would doing nothing on vallentines day might make her think that I am still neglecting her?
  12. I do see your point... But i dont want to lose her, I love her more than anything in the world, and I think I do have a chance of getting her back! I know it might just end up hurting me even more, but thats a risk im willing to take!
  13. I posted a post a couple of days ago about my girlfriend splitting up with me and how i want her back more than anything in the world, anyway, im not going to tell the whole storie again, I just want to know... I have started the "No Contact" Rule, but with vallentines day I feel I should get her something... just something small like flowers and a card, and then leave them on her door step, so that way Im keeping up the no contact... but she knows im thinking about her on this special day... I think she still has feelings for me, and I think this might help? What do you think?
  14. again thanks for the advice, i did neglect her towards the end, and I now know that i want all the same things as her from the relationship! but she wont believe me about it! You said think about weather you love her that much... strange as this may sound, after braking up with me, i love her more now than ever! It hurts so much!
  15. Thanks for the reply, I know I have got to do the "no contact" thing, but its so hard! About the friends thing, i do see your point, but there is something that needs to be added... For about a year before we started seeing each other, we were best mates, we got on really well as friends... and thats what she has said she wants now, us to be like that again... I would rather be her friend than not see her at all... but its very hard!
  16. OK here goes.... Me and mygirl friend were going out for 2 years, its the first serious relationship I have ever had (im 20 years old) Anyway towards the end i admit i started neglecting her, and she split up with me, I now realise how much i love her, and since she split up with me, I HAVE actually change to become to the person she wants me to be... Anyway I have tried and tired to get her back, even showing her i have changed didnt help! She said she wants to just be friends. Now when she first split up with me I emailed her and phoned her all the time, begging her to give me another chance. but she told me she is now seeing some one else... But i think its just a rebound thing, and i know its nothing serious because she told me she dont want another relationship at the moment... What i want to know is... Do i just give up and try to move on, or do you think that the "No Contact" rule would work now? I asked her to phone me once she finished work 2day... she didnt phone and i decided not to phone or text her, then about half 11 at nite she phoned me... I know she does still want to be friends, but i want her back more than anything in the whole world... Please advise! Thanks James
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