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Posts posted by MyNinja

  1. I was painfully shy in highschool because I was bullied alot during my junior high years and I carried that insecurity with me those four years. I was living with my father. My father never really had any input in social life and never really gave me much comfort from elementary to early college during these "hard" times.I guess his parenting stragety was that I needed to figure the problem out for myself and toughen up. It didn't work too well.


    Now I'm with my mother for a bit and I feel very secure with myself because she doesn't ignore me when she sees something wrong and she forces me to get out. This is what I love about her because I ultimately feel better


    Before Junior High, more specifically 2nd and 3rd grade, I was extroverted and had a close circle of friends that I still remember to this day. I'm starting to feel more extroverted now that I'm living in a new city with my mother and making mature, fun friends.

  2. Cyber sex, phone sex, it's all silly to me........I guess people can start having sex with their eyes just by staring at each other and thinking dirty thoughts! .......Eye sex?!


    I'm just being silly,...ignore me.

  3. When I read this I was instantly back in high school. The geek. the loner, the one nobody notices....thank you for writing this, good job.

  4. Wow,very interesting. Could it be a family emergency or something of that nature that would have him preoccupied? It just seems that he's "busy" with something or someone by the way he just abruptly stop communicating with you. Try not to panic or think the worst, just leave him a message saying that you are a little worried about why he hasn't called, but don't over do the calling, it would make you appear to be obessive. Try to be patient and don't beat yourself up. hope this helped

  5. Actually, I agree to pianoguy to a certain degree about how one perceives himself/herself. If you feel attractive you will become more attractive given that you put yourself out there and make an effort to find a good mate. Just thinking and knowing you're attractive will not help whatsoever.


    I can say I'm so beautiful and know it, but if Im not putting myself out there no one will notice it.


    If I feel ugly and unattractive, yes, I will not find a mate because people can feel that you have no confidence and yes, they will find you "ugly". Affirmations can be very strong.

  6. I know that can be very annoying. Does he smile constantly even when there's no need? For ex. smiling while washing the dishes or driving. I would find this a little strange unless he's constantly thinking about something funny, but anyway, try not to let it get to you and tell him he needs to let up a little bit because he embarrasses you and is treating you more like he's your father instead of your boyfriend

  7. Talking to someone you've never met before can carry tons of unpredictable attitudes. True, he might be afraid and nervous, or maybe he's just not ready to try the long distance relationship thing just yet. If you really think about it....it is kind of scary! you just never know what might happen...I get the feeling that he's just not ready for this..talk to him about it when you get the chance.

  8. I knew is was true that guys don't just look for the physical qualities when placing someone as "sexy". Many females think they have to be pencil thin with a barbie face in order to feel and be sexy...they are sadly mistaken and is living in a unrealistic world.


    The reason I'm writing this is because my stepsister thinks that physical beauty is the only way that a man will talk to peiople. I wanted to set her straight, but she's the "I don't care what you think" type! Her mind is warped!!


    So for all of you who think that men don't look for character, think again!! lol! Stop living in a superficial, plastic barbie doll world!! lol

  9. Based on how you described her, it soinds like she's having some issues with herself that she's not expressing with you. Something is troubling her greatly to the point that she just can't come to you and tell her what's on her mind. Saying things like, " We're both working" or " it's too late" is selfish and disrespectful to your feelings. It seems she's shutting you out and you don't understand why. I think you both should sit down and really have a deep, serious talk about the circumstances and don't accept those cheap excuses becuse it really seems that something is bothering her whether shes's aware of it or not.


    Good luck and God bless

  10. yes I definitely think you should see a Dr. I'm in the medical profession and I would like to ask: Have you had a bowel movement since the incident? Have you been exercising lately or doing any heavy lifting? Are you allergic to any medications, food, pollen, etc? What did you eat prior to the pain?


    Is the pain on the right or left side? If it's tender on the right you should see the Dr. for potential appendicitis.

  11. I also believe it was a mistake..the text sounded like she was telling a good friend ,probably named Sib, that the date with YOU went really well.


    Think of it this way, she was obviously thinking of you as she sent it to YOUR number by mistake

  12. I see where you're coming from herewegoagain. Yes, women are hard to figure out and there could be a number of reasons shes acting this way. I feel that maybe she's trying to prove something to herself and tell herself that she can be romantic but never acts it out, or maybe she doing this to boost her ego a bit from lack of confidence or self-esteem. this situation is similar to her saying something like, " I'm an excellent cook and I work well with flavors", but once she never cooks anything but rather eat out.


    If you see where I'm going with this it seems shes trying to prove something to herself or maybe shes trying to impress you so you'll long for her more intensely and you'll stick around waiting for "wonderful things" she has to offer. It also seems to me she's teasing you.....alot


    good luck with this!

  13. I'm in the medical profession and it sounds to me like you're in the beginning stages of the common cold. The weather has been changing and your body is trying to adjust to the seasonal changes. Also you say you have that piercing which is an open wound for any airbone viruses to enter your body. Try not to freak out here about your sickness. Unless your sweating profusely, feeling dizzy, nauseated, or weak, you're immune system just needs a little tlc. Drink plenty of fluids, esp. vitamin C, and get some rest. Do not stress as this will only make you feel more like crap!


    If you're honestly concerned about this go see your doctor.

  14. I know exactly how you feel.


    Take a look at my typical day:


    Wake up. go to school. I normally grab the newspaper and sit reading it until it's tume to go to class. At lunch I sit in my usual spot eating a light snack. (During the period of waking up to lunch time I haven't had anyone to sit with and talk to).


    I go home and watch a little tv until I fall asleep. Wake up to check on my grandmother and then do some homework. If I'm not spending my time helping one of my lazy family members with something then I'm probably trying to call someone, anyone to talk to because the loneliness gets so bad. Just the other day I cried about 30 minutes because the pain startedd to get so bad and I could'nt take it anymore.


    The same routine can really get to you if you aren't happy in your situation. In a few weeks I'm going to take up karate to boost my confidence and meet some people. I got tired of being lonely and I'm going to to something about it.


    If you're fed up with not being understood just as I. Then go out to find those who are just as lonely and misunderstood. Believe me, there is someone out there right now who feels the same way we do. It's just we can't find those people because we're sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves. Me personally, I like to do breathtaking things like sky diving, white water rafting, and getting on tall rollercoasters, but I find it difficult to do because I have no one to share my desires with, so I'm going to take up karate and find those who are just as frustrated as I am. We will be the one's to connect.


    Sorry I got off topic, but go out take up something where you can release your frustration and be determined to kill this lonliness. Think about it, ultimately you will be the one responsible for your destiny. Choose not to be lonely and you won't be lonely. If you just sit around, like I did, then nothing will change and you will have missed countless opprotunites to defeat this. Put yourself out there. Anywhere. Take a wild chance!

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